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Differential expression of a chlorophyll a/b binding protein gene and a proline rich protein gene in juvenile and mature phase English ivy (Hedera helix)
Authors:Ho-Hyung Woo  Wesley P. Hackett  Anath Das
Affiliation:Depts of Horticultural Science and Plant Biology, Univ.of Minnesota, t paul, MN 55108, USA;Dept of Biochemistry and the Plant Molecular Genetics Institute, Univ.of Minnesota, t paul, MN 55108, USA;Dept of Plant Pathology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson. AZ 85721, USA.
Abstract:Two cDNA clones representing mRNAs which are differentially expressed during in vitro culture of juvenile and mature leaf petioles of English ivy ( Hedera helix L.) were isolated by differential screening. The mRNA represented by clone HW101 is expressed at a higher level in untreated juvenile than in untreated mature in-vitro-cultured petioles. Treatment of petioles with α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) at the initiation of culture decreases HW101 mRNA levels in juvenile but not mature, petioles. In intact plants. HW101 mRNA is expressed at a higher level in juvenile laminae, petioles and stems than in identical tissues of mature plants. DNA sequence analysis indicates that HW1O1 cDNA is significantly similar to a light harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding protein gene ( Lhcb ) of pea. The gene represented by the second clone. HW103, is expressed at a higher level in mature than in juvenile in-vitro-cultured petisoles. Treatment of petioles with NAA at the initiation of culture decreases HW103 mRNA levels in chronologically young mature but not older mature and juvenile petioles. However, expression of the HW103 gene is not detectable in petioles, or in any other vegetative organ tested, immediately after excision. It is, however, expressed in developing seeds. In otherwise intact plants, the HW103 gene is expressed in wounded petioles of mature plants 5 days after wounding but not in wounded petioles of juvenile plants. It is also expressed at a higher level in wounded stems of mature plants than in those of juvenile plants. However, it is not expressed in wounded lamina of either juvenile or mature plants. DNA sequence analysis indicates that HW103 cDNA is similar to a cell wall proline rich protein (PRP) gene of soybean. This is the first report of differential expression of a PRP gene in tissues from juvenile and mature plants. Southern blot analysis of nuclear DNA of H. helix shows that both HW101 and HW103 are members of small gene families.
Keywords:Chlorophyll a/b binding protein    English ivy    Hedera helix    juvenility    maturation    phase-dependent gene expression    proline rich protein
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