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Community development by forest understory plants after prolonged burial by tephra
Authors:Zobel  Donald B.  Antos  Joseph A.  Fischer  Dylan G.
Affiliation:1.Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA
;2.Department of Biology, University of Victoria, STN CSC, PO Box 3020, Victoria, B.C., V8W 3N5, Canada
;3.The Evergreen State College, 2700 Evergreen Parkway NW, Olympia, WA, 98505, USA

Several processes bury plants, but sediment can also be subsequently removed, often by delayed erosion. Thus, the ability to survive multiple years of burial and to respond when released are important to vegetation changes and population dynamics. We experimentally evaluated the effects of delayed removal of tephra (aerially transported volcanic ejecta) in an old-growth forest understory near Mount St. Helens, using 1-m2 plots assigned to three treatments: tephra removed 4 months after deposition (50 plots), tephra removed 28 months after deposition (the delayed erosion treatment, 50 plots), and undisturbed, natural tephra (100 plots). Prior to tephra removal, species density, cover, shoot density, and shoot size in the delayed erosion treatment were all similar to values in natural plots and significantly less than values in plots cleared initially, indicating that 24 months of additional burial adversely affected understory plants. However, all attributes eventually approached pre-eruption values for shrubs and herbs, indicating that erosion greatly facilitated vegetation recovery. Responses varied substantially among species and growth forms. Overall, our experimental results indicate that some plants of most species can respond effectively after release from burial of at least three growing seasons. In addition, the delay of erosion retards ecosystem recovery relative to early erosion, facilitates recovery relative to no erosion, and modifies the trajectory of post-disturbance vegetation change.

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