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Isoforms of NADP-dependent Malic Enzyme in Tissues of the Greening Maize Leaf
Abstract:Scagliarini, S., Pupillo, P. and Valenti, V. 1988. Isoformsof NADP-dependent malic enzyme in tissues of the greening maizeleaf.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 1109–1119. The compartmentation of the isoforms of NADP-dependent malicenzyme (E.C.[EC]) has been studied in cell-free extractsand in enzymatically-isolated protoplasts of mesophyll tissue(MT) and bundle sheath (BS) strands of greening maize leaves.The etiolated leaf of 10-d-old seedlings contains a cytosolicisozyme with a pl of 5.4 ?0.1 at low specific activity (s.a,45 ? 3 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein), found both in MTand BS. The green leaf on the other hand contains the dominantBS chloroplast isozyme with pl 4.6 ? 0.2 at a s.a, of 370 ?40 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein (3.2 ? 0.5 µmolmin–1 mg–1 chl) and a minor, previously undescribedisoform with pl 6.5 ? 0.1 also localized in the BS at a s.a.of 38 ? 6 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein. Green MT protoplastshave only traces of pl 4.6 isozyme. After illumination of dark-grown seedlings, the total leaf activityshows a rapid increase (1.5-fold within 2 h), attributed mainlyto the pl 5.4 isozyme of MT protoplasts and BS strands. Thisis followed by a large increase of enzyme activity due to thecontinued rise of pl 5.4 isozyme for about 24 h and, after aninitial lag of a few hours, to the accumulation of pl 4.6 isozyme.After 18 h illumination, pl 4.6 and 5.4 isozyme activities tendto decline in the MT whereas they are still increasing in theBS, particularly the former. This pl 4.6 species has becomethe major one by 48 h illumination. The final pattern of greenleaves is established around 96 h light, when the chloroplastisozyme has attained its maximum level, the pl 5.4 isozyme ofBS strands has been superceded by the pl 6.5 species (also supposedto be cytosolic) and MT protoplasts retain little residual activity.Some metabolic implications of the changing pattern of NADP-dependentmalic isozymes during maize leaf greening are discussed. Key words: C4, isozymes, malic enzyme, photodifferentiation, Zea mays
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