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Simultaneous changes in cell quotas of microcystin, chlorophyll a, protein and carbohydrate during different growth phases of a batch culture experiment with Microcystis aeruginosa
Authors:Lyck   Susanne
Affiliation:Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Helsingørsgade 51, DK-3400 Hillerød, Denmark
Abstract:The cell quotas of microcystin (Qmcyst), protein (Qprot), chlorophylla (Qchloro) and carbohydrate (Qcarbo), as well as the net productionrates of these parameters, were determined during the exponentialand stationary phases in nine batch cultures of Microcystisaeruginosa (CYA 228) at light regimes from 33 to 53 µmolphotons m–2 s–1. The following results were obtained.(i) A parallel pattern was found in the changes of Qmcyst, Qprot,Qchloro and Qcarbo during the entire growth cycle and significantcorrelations were recorded between Qmcyst and Qprot, Qchloroand Qcarbo. (ii) The net microcystin production rate (µmcyst)was positively correlated with the specific cell division rate(µc), the chlorophyll production rate (µchloro)and the protein production rate. (iii) A significant inverselinear relationship was found between µc and Qmcyst, i.e.cultures with a positive µc had a Qmcyst between 110 and400 fg microcystin cell–1, while declining cultures hadQmcyst values >400 fg microcystin cell–1. Maximum variationin Qmcyst within cultures was 3.5-fold. Collectively, the resultsshow that cells produced microcystin at rates approximatingthose needed to replace losses to daughter cells during divisionand that microcystin was produced in a similar way to proteinand chlorophyll, indicating a constitutive microcystin production.
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