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Chromatin transitions in the fertilizing sperm nucleus of the sea urchin,strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Authors:Mel Kunkle
Abstract:Electron microscopic analysis of fertilization in the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, has been carried out in an effort to establish the sequence of events involving dispersion of the paternal chromatin. Subsequent to loss of the nuclear envelope the condensed sperm chromatin begins to disperse under the influence of egg cytoplasmic factors. However, this process does not proceed at a uniform rate as is observed in other species examined to date. Portions of the paternal genome rapidly transform into dispersed chromatin while other adjacent regions disperse at a reduced rate. This variation in the time sequence of dissociation of the paternally derived chromosomes results in a reticulum of electron lucent and electron dense chromatin within the developing male pronucleus. As the paternally derived chromatin is dispersing and migrating centrad, membranous vesicles of maternal origin become aligned along the peripheral aspect of the chromatin. Deposition of a continuous bilaminar nuclear envelope around the dispersing sperm chromatin results in the formation of the definitive male pronucleus. At the time the male pronucleus is formed the paternally derived chromosomes have not completely dispersed and are visualized as a reticulum of condensed and dispersed chromatin. These results indicate that not all the paternally derived chromatin is modified in the same manner during pronuclear development.
Keywords:fertilization  sperm  chromatin
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