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Differing evolutionary patterns underlie convergence on elongate morphology in endemic fishes of Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, Marine Science Program, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 29208 USA;
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, and Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011 USA
Abstract:An extensive body of research has recently demonstrated patterns of parallel and/or convergent evolution that arise from divergent natural selection pressures exerted across environmental gradients. These studies, although providing some of our best empirical evidence for natural selection, have focused on rather narrow phylogenetic scopes, more often than not comparing patterns of morphological change among closely‐related taxa within a single genus. Organisms in replicated populations in these studies are often assumed to have accomplished convergence via similar underlying processes. However, such assumptions cannot be made when looking at evolution across broader phylogenetic and ecological spectra. In the present study, we assessed morphological change across a much broader scale to test whether similar evolutionary and developmental patterns underlie convergence. Specifically, we studied morphological change that has occurred in a novel lake environment (Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina, USA) where three phylogenetically‐disparate fishes representing different orders have speciated and independently evolved streamlined morphologies relative to their deeper‐bodied progenitors occupying nearby streams and coastal regions. Geometric morphometric analyses revealed that, although the bulk of shape change between environments is similar across taxa, significant species‐specific responses, concordant with differing expectations based on the ecologies of these taxa, were also found. Moreover, allometry analyses indicated that the developmental patterns underlying this change also differ across taxa. The present study provides evidence that, within a common environment, convergence can be achieved by different evolutionary and developmental patterns in phylogenetically‐ and ecologically‐disparate taxa. Finally, these results contradict the commonly‐held hypothesis that fishes should be more streamlined in streams than lakes and emphasize the need to also consider other environmental characteristics, such as water clarity and physical complexity, in studies of divergence. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 636–645.
Keywords:allometry    convergent evolution    geometric morphometrics    morphological divergence    speciation
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