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Empirical support for a despotic distribution in a California spotted owl population
Authors:Zimmerman, Guthrie S.   LaHaye, William S.   Gutierrez, R. J.
Affiliation:Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
Abstract:Territorial species, such as the spotted owl (Strix occidentalis),are predicted to follow an ideal despotic distribution. However,debate exists on whether wild populations actually meet theassumptions of an ideal distribution, such as perfect perceptualabilities (i.e., the ability to recognize high- and low-qualitysites without error). Because this hypothesis has importantlife history ramifications for spotted owls, we investigatedwhether occupancy rates of California spotted owl (S. o. occidentalis)territories in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern Californiapositively correlated with a qualitative "potential fitness"(denoted by {lambda}pf) estimated from survival and reproduction ofterritorial owls. Spotted owls in our study tended to occupyterritories with the highest {lambda}pf, supporting the assumption ofideal perceptual abilities within this population. However,this relationship was noisy, and we suggest that some individualsdo not assess site quality accurately because of perceptuallimitations, prey dynamics, and large territory sizes. Furthermore,dispersal processes, high survival rates, and long life spansof spotted owls may be other key factors preventing some individualsfrom selecting sites of the highest quality and, consequently,our ability to precisely estimate {lambda}pf.
Keywords:California   California spotted owls   fitness   ideal despotic distribution   Strix occidentalis occidentalis   territory occupancy.
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