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Stimulation of the Extrusion of Protons and H+-ATPase Activities with the Decline in Pyrophosphatase Activity of the Tonoplast in Intact Mung Bean Roots under High-NaCl Stress and Its Relation to External Levels of Ca2+ Ions
Authors:Nakamura, Yoshiyuki   Kasamo, Kunihiro   Sakata, Makato   Ohta, Eiji
Affiliation:1Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology,Keio University Yokohama, 223 Japan
2Molecular Function Laboratory, National Food Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305 Japan
3School of Medicine, Kyorin University Mitaka, Tokyo, 181 Japan
Abstract:Extrusion of protons as a response to high-NaCl stress in intactmung bean roots was investigated at different external concentrationsof Ca2+ ions ([Ca2+]ex). The extrusion of protons was graduallyenhanced in the roots exposed to 100 mM NaCl, and high [Ca2+]exdiminished this enhancement of the extrusion. Vesicles of plasmalemmaand tonoplast were prepared from the roots and the H+-translocatingATPase (H+-ATPase) activities associated with the two typesof membrane and the H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) activity ofthe tonoplast were assayed. The plasmalemma ATPase was stimulatedin parallel with dramatic increases in the intracellular concentrationof Na+([Na+]in). High [Ca2+]ex prevented the increase in [Na+]inand diminished the stimulation of ATPase activity. The tonoplastATPase showed a rapid response to salt stress and was similarlystimulated even at high [Ca2+]M. The activities of both ATPaseswere, however, insensitive to concentrations of Na+ ions upto 100 HIM. By contrast, H+-PPase activity of the tonoplastwas severely inhibited with increasing [Na+]in under salt stressand recovered with high [Ca2+]ex. These findings suggest thathigh-NaCl stress increases the intracellular concentration ofNa+ ions in mung bean roots, which inhibits the tonoplast H+-PPase,and the activity of the plasmalemma H+-ATPase is thereby stimulatedand regulates the cytoplasmic pH. (Received March 26, 1991; Accepted December 13, 1991)
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