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引用本文:周东,张玮,朱利明,齐鑫,王丽卿,张瑞雷. 仙居国家公园溪流摇蚊幼虫群落结构及其对水质的指示作用[J]. 生态学杂志, 2018, 29(11): 3857-3866. DOI: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201811.039
作者姓名:周东  张玮  朱利明  齐鑫  王丽卿  张瑞雷
作者单位:1.上海海洋大学, 农业部鱼类营养与环境生态研究中心, 上海 201306;;2.上海海洋大学, 水产种质资源发掘与利用教育部重点实验室, 上海 201306;;3.上海海洋大学, 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心, 上海 201306;;4.台州学院生命科学学院, 浙江台州 318000;;5.仙居国家公园管理委员会, 浙江仙居 317300
摘    要:
为了解浙江仙居国家公园内溪流中摇蚊幼虫的群落结构及其对水质的指示作用,于2016年8月对仙居国家公园内13条溪流59个点位进行了调查,运用Hilsenhoff生物指数对溪流水质进行评价.结果表明: 59个点位中有37个点处于清洁状态,19个点处于轻污染状态,3个点处于中污染状态.此次调查共获得摇蚊幼虫86种,隶属于4亚科51属.其中,摇蚊亚科种类数最多,有19属37种;直突摇蚊亚科次之,有21属35种;长足摇蚊亚科有9属12种;寡角摇蚊亚科最少,为2属2种.摇蚊亚科密度比重最大,为40.3%;长足摇蚊亚科与直突摇蚊亚科所占比重差异不大,分别为30%与29.4%;寡角摇蚊亚科比重最小,仅为0.3%.壳粗腹摇蚊为仙居国家公园溪流摇蚊幼虫绝对优势种;黄色多足摇蚊、流环足摇蚊、平滑环足摇蚊、纽流长跗摇蚊和小型棒脉摇蚊为优势种.仙居国家公园溪流中摇蚊幼虫指示种分析结果显示,平滑环足摇蚊、双色矮突摇蚊、台湾长跗摇蚊和渐变长跗摇蚊可作为污染水体指示种,流环足摇蚊可作为清洁水体指示种.

关 键 词:仙居国家公园  溪流  摇蚊幼虫  群落结构  指示种

Community structure of Chironomid larvae and their indicative significance for water quality in streams of Xianju National Park,China
ZHOU Dong,ZHANG Wei,ZHU Li-ming,QI Xin,WANG Li-qing,ZHANG Rui-lei. Community structure of Chironomid larvae and their indicative significance for water quality in streams of Xianju National Park,China[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2018, 29(11): 3857-3866. DOI: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201811.039
Authors:ZHOU Dong  ZHANG Wei  ZHU Li-ming  QI Xin  WANG Li-qing  ZHANG Rui-lei
In August 2016, 59 sites of 13 streams in Xianju National Park were surveyed to explore the community structure of Chironomid larvae and their indicative significance for water quality. Water quality of the streams was evaluated based on Hilsenhoff biological index. The results showed that there were 37 clean sites, 19 mild polluted sites and three moderated polluted sites in Xianju National Park. We identified a total of 86 species of Chironomid larvae, belonging to 51 genera and four subfamilies, including 37 species in 19 genera of Chironominae; 35 species in 21 genera of Orthcladiinae; 12 species in 9 genera of Tanypodinae, two species in two genera of Diamesinae. Chironominae accounted for 40.3% of Chironomid larval density. Tanypodinae and Orthcladiinae were almost similar in Chironomid larval density, respectively accounted for 30% and 29.4% of the total. Diamesinae accounted for 0.3% of total Chironomid larval density. Conchapelopia sp. was the overwhelming dominant species and Polypedilum flavum, Rheocricotopus sp., Cricotupus vierriensis, Rheotanytarsus muscicola and Corynoneura carriana were the dominant species of Chironomid larvae. The result of indicator species analysis showed that Cricotupus vierriensis, Nanocladius dichromus, Tanytarsus formosanus, Tanytarsus mendex were indicator species of moderated pollution water, and that Rheocricotopus sp. was the indicator species of clean state water.
Keywords:Xianju National Park  stream  Chironomid larvae  community structure  indicator species
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