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引用本文:马鑫,代兴龙,王晓婧,董述鑫,王月超,徐海成,朱元刚,贺明荣. 冬小麦高产高效群体的年际间稳产性能[J]. 生态学杂志, 2017, 28(12): 3926-3934. DOI: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201712.025
作者姓名:马鑫  代兴龙  王晓婧  董述鑫  王月超  徐海成  朱元刚  贺明荣
作者单位:1.作物生物学国家重点实验室/农业部作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室/山东农业大学农学院, 山东泰安 271018 ;2.华中农业大学植物科学技术学院, 武汉 430070 ;3.黄河三角洲农业高新技术产业示范区管委会, 山东东营 257347
摘    要:以冬小麦品种‘泰农18’为试验材料,设置传统农民管理习惯的农户模式(T1)、不计肥水和人工等投入以获得高产的高产模式(T2)和优化种植密度、播期、肥水管理运筹的高产高效模式(T3)3种种植模式,于2012年10月—2016年7月连续4个小麦生育季,研究了不同种植模式小麦主茎与分蘖成穗特性、不同年份的光合有效辐射截获、利用、光合产物分配等光能利用特性和产量差异,结合年际间的光、温、水等生态因子分布差异,分析了高产高效群体的稳产性能.结果表明: 冬小麦不同生育时期内的光、温、降雨等生态因子的总量和各生育时期分布存在较大变异.T1、T2、T3模式主茎穗的比例分别为38.9%、58.7%、66.9%,表明T1、T2、T3模式在群体结构构建上分别是以分蘖穗为主、主茎穗和分蘖穗并重、主茎穗为主.T2模式的生物量和产量最高,T1最低,T3模式自孕穗期之后,尤其是在开花14 d后仍能维持较高的叶面积指数、光能截获率和截获量、群体光合速率,并具有较高的干物质分配能力,使其在干物质积累相对偏低的情况下仍可获得高产.T3模式花后的叶面积指数、光能截获率和截获量以及光合速率等的年际间极差、标准差、变异系数均小于T1和T2模式,由此也保证了T3模式生物产量的稳定.相关分析表明,以主茎成穗为主的T3种植模式能够有效应对年际间气候变化并实现稳产,关键是具有年际间稳定的生物产量.

关 键 词:干物质  产量  光能利用  稳产

Stability of a winter wheat population with high yield and high resource use efficiency
MA Xin,DAI Xing-long,WANG Xiao-jing,DONG Shu-xin,WANG Yue-chao,XU Hai-cheng,ZHU Yuan-gang,HE Ming-rong. Stability of a winter wheat population with high yield and high resource use efficiency[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2017, 28(12): 3926-3934. DOI: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201712.025
Authors:MA Xin  DAI Xing-long  WANG Xiao-jing  DONG Shu-xin  WANG Yue-chao  XU Hai-cheng  ZHU Yuan-gang  HE Ming-rong
Affiliation:1.State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System, Ministry of Agriculture/College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, Shandong, China ;2.College of Plant Science & Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China ;3.Administrative Committee of Yellow River Delta Agri-high-tech Industry Demonstration Zone, Dongying 257347, Shandong, China
Abstract:Using the winter wheat cultivar Tainong 18 as the experimental material, we analyzed yield stability from 2012 to 2016 under three different treatments: T1(following typical local field management practices), T2(high-yield: high nitrogen and water were supplied to foster high grain yield), and T3(high-yield, high-efficiency: optimized field management including increasing plant density, reducing nitrogen input and delaying of the sowing date). Yield related phenotypic traits, including the number of ears on the main stem and tillers, leaf area index (LAI), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) interception, dry matter accumulation and distribution, as well as grain yield, were analyzed over four seasons to determine their relationships with annual radiation, accumulated temperature and precipitation. We then determined grain yield stability for each of the three treatments. The amount and distribution of radiation, accumulated temperature, and precipitation varied greatly within each season. The ears on the main stem represented 38.9%, 58.7%, and 66.9% of the total ears, respectively, for wheat grown in the T1, T2 and T3 treatments, indicating that T1 ears originated mainly from the tillers, T2 ears from both the main stem and the tillers, and T3 ears from the main stem. The T2 and T1 treatments produced the highest and lowest amount of dry matter and grain yield, respectively. Although having relatively lower dry matter accumulation at maturity compared with T2, T3 led to higher grain yield due to high LAI, high PAR interception and utilization, high net canopy photosynthetic rate from booting (especially from 14 days after anthesis) to maturity and a higher harvest index. Among the three treatments, T3 resulted in the lowest annual range, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for LAI, PAR interception, and dry matter accumulation. Thus, grain yield was most stable in wheat grown in the T3 treatment mainly due to stability in biological production during all four seasons.
Keywords:dry matter  grain yield  PAR utilization  stable yield
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