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Floral scents of chafer-pollinated asclepiads and a potential hybrid
Authors:A. Shuttleworth  S.D. Johnson
Affiliation:School of Biological and Conservation Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg, Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, South Africa
Abstract:Floral scent is a key functional trait for pollinator attraction to flowers, but is poorly documented in many plant lineages and pollination systems. In South African grasslands, chafer beetles (Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), particularly Atrichelaphinis tigrina, Cyrtothyrea marginalis and Leucoscelis spp., are common floral visitors and specialized pollination by these beetles has recently been established in several asclepiad, orchid and protea species. Chafer beetles are known to be attracted by a variety of floral volatile compounds and scent has been suggested to be an important signal in these chafer-operated pollination systems. In this study, we used dynamic headspace extraction methods and coupled gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) to examine the chemical composition of the floral scents of seven putatively chafer-pollinated asclepiad species in the genera Asclepias, Pachycarpus and Xysmalobium. We identified 15–57 compounds in the scents of these species, of which seven were common to all species examined. The scent profiles of each species separate into discrete clusters in two dimensional space based on non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), indicating clear distinctions between species and suggesting that plants may use different combinations of volatiles to attract beetles. Two plants suspected to be intergeneric hybrids were also examined. Data on pollination systems, morphology and scent chemistry are consistent with the hypothesis that these plants are hybrids between the chafer-pollinated species Asclepias woodii and Pachycarpus concolor. The results of this study are discussed in relation to the role of chafer beetles as generalist pollinators of specialized asclepiads.
Keywords:Apocynaceae   Asclepiadoideae   Cantharophily   Floral volatiles   Introgression   Pollination guild
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