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Pollinators,floral morphology and scent chemistry in the southern African orchid genus Schizochilus
Authors:T. Van der Niet,A. Jü  rgensS.D. Johnson
Affiliation:School of Biological and Conservation Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg, Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, South Africa
Abstract:Floral evolution often involves suites of traits, including morphology, colour and scent, but these traits are seldom analysed together in comparative studies. We investigated the associations between floral traits and pollination systems in Schizochilus, a southern African orchid genus with small nectar-producing flowers that has not been studied previously with respect to pollination biology. Field observations indicated the presence of distinct pollination systems in the four species which occur in the Drakensberg, including pollination by muscid flies in Schizochilus angustifolius, tachinid flies in Schizochilus zeyheri, various small flies in Schizochilus bulbinella and bees and wasps in Schizochilus flexuosus. Pollination success and pollen transfer efficiency clearly differed among the four species but were not correlated with the quantity of nectar rewards. Multivariate analysis of floral morphology and floral scent chemistry based on GC-MS data revealed significant differences among species as well as populations within species. The floral scent of S. angustifolius was dominated by the benzenoid compounds benzaldehyde and phenylacetaldehyde. Samples of one population of S. bulbinella were relatively similar to S. angustifolius but samples of another population were very distinct due to the occurrence of the nitrogen-containing compounds 3-methyl-butyl aldoxime (syn/anti) and the higher amounts of aliphatic esters, alcohols and acids. In contrast, the floral scent of S. flexuosus and S. zeyheri was characterized by high relative amounts of methyl benzoate. We conclude that Schizochilus has distinct, specialized pollination systems associated with subtle but significant variation in floral morphology and scent chemistry. We also caution that sampling of several populations may be required to characterize floral scent composition at the species-level in plants.
Keywords:Diptera   Floral scent   GC-MS   Grassland   Intraspecific variation   Morphology   Multivariate analysis   Nectar spur   Orchidaceae   Pollination
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