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Deamination features of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine,a radical and enzymatic DNA oxidation product
Authors:Grand  André  Jorge  Nelly  Morell  Christophe  Cadet  Jean  Eriksson  Leif A.
Affiliation:1. Department of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), ul. Nowoursynowska 159c, 02-776, Warszawa, Poland
2. Laboratory of Intermolecular Interactions, Faculty of Chemistry, Univeristy of Gdańsk, ul. W. Stwosza 63, 80-308, Gdańsk, Poland
Abstract:Geometric consequences of electron delocalization were studied for all possible adenine tautomers in aqueous solution by means of ab initio methods {PCM(water)//DFT(B3LYP)/6-311+G(d,p)} and compared to those in the gas phase {DFT(B3LYP)/6-311+G(d,p)}. To measure the consequences of any type of resonance conjugation (π-π, n-π, and σ-π), the geometry-based harmonic oscillator model of electron delocalization (HOMED) index, recently extended to the isolated (DFT) and hydrated (PCM//DFT) molecules, was applied to the molecular fragments (imidazole, pyrimidine, 4-aminopyrimidine, and purine) and also to the whole tautomeric system. For individual tautomers, the resonance conjugations and consequently the bond lengths strongly depend on the position of the labile protons. The HOMED indices are larger for tautomers (or their fragments) possessing the labile proton(s) at the N rather than C atom. Solvent interactions with adenine tautomers slightly increase the resonance conjugations. Consequently, they slightly shorten the single bonds and lengthen the double bonds. When going from the gas phase to water solution, the HOMED indices increase (by less than 0.15 units). There is a good relation between the HOMED indices estimated in water solution and those in the gas phase for the neutral and ionized forms of adenine. Subtle effects, being a consequence of intramolecular interactions between the neighboring groups, are so strongly reduced by solvent that the relation between the HOMED indices and the relative energies for the neutral adenine tautomers seems to be better in water solution than in the gas phase.
The total HOMED indices in water solution correlate well with those in the gas phase for the neutral and charged isomers of adenine
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