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Conservation genetics of harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, in eastern and central North Atlantic
Authors:Liselotte Wesley Andersen, Daniel E. Ruzzante, Michael Walton, Per Berggren, Arne Bjø  rge  Christina Lockyer
Affiliation:(1) Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Dept. of Inland fisheries, Vejlsøvej 39, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark;(2) Present address: National Environmental Research Institute, Dept. of Coastal Zone Ecology, Kalø, Grenåvej 12, DK-8410 Rønde, Denmark;(3) Sea Mammal Research Unit, Gatty Marine Laboratory, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife, KY 168LB, United Kingdom;(4) Dept. of Zoology, University of Stockholm, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden;(5) Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway;(6) Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Charlottenlund Slot, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark
Abstract:We examined polymorphism at 12 microsatelliteloci in 807 harbour porpoises , Phocoenaphocoena, collected from throughout thecentral and eastern North Atlantic to theBaltic Sea. Multilocus tests for allelefrequency differences, assignment tests,population structure estimates (FST) andgenetic distance measures (DLR andDC) all indicate six geneticallydifferentiated populations/sub-populationsafter pooling sub-samples within regions.Harbour porpoises from West Greenland, theNorwegian Westcoast, Ireland, the British NorthSea, the Danish North Sea and the inland watersof Denmark (IDW) are all geneticallydistinguishable from each other. A sample ofharbour porpoises collected off the Dutch coast(mainly during winter) was geneticallyheterogeneous and likely comprised a mixture ofindividuals of diverse origin. A mixed stockanalysis indicated that most of the individualsin this sample (sim77%) were likely migrantsfrom the British and Danish North Sea.
Keywords:conservation genetics  Harbour porpoise  microsatellites  North Atlantic  Phocoena phocoena  population structure
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