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Effect of Inhibitors on the Formation of Stereoisomers in the Biosynthesis of {beta}-Carotene in Dunaliella bardawil
Authors:Shaish, Aviv   Avron, Mordhay   Ben-Amotz, Ami
Affiliation:1Department of Biochemistry, The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot 76100, Israel
2National Institute of Oceanography, Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Tel-Shikmona, P.O.B. 8030, Haifa 31080, Israel
Abstract:An assay system was developed in which the effects of inhibitorsof ß-carotene biosynthesis in Dunaliella bardawilcould be tested. Since D. bardawil can be induced to accumulateover 10% of its dry weight as ß-carotene, it is particularlysuitable for such studies. Norflurazon a desaturation inhibitor,caused the accumulation of phytoene, or of phytoene and phytofluene,depending on the concentration employed. J-334, a substituted6-methylpyrimidine which also inhibits desaturation, causedthe accumulation of ß-zeacarotene, {zeta}-carotene and phytoenein different proportions, depending on the concentration employed.The cyclization inhibitors, nicotine, CPTA and MPTA, severelyaffected the growth and survival of the alga, and their effectscould therefore not be studied directly. However, their actionwas observed indirectly by following the transformation of phytoenein norflurazon-pretreated phytoene-rich algae. Under these conditions,presence of the cyclase inhibitors caused the transformationof phytoene to lycopene, rather than to ß-carotene.The accumulated ß-carotene or the intermediates ß-zeacarotene,lycopene, {zeta}-carotene, phytofluene and phytoene in D. bardawilwere all composed of two stereoisomers, tentatively assignedas the all-trans stereoisomer (55%) and the 9-cis stereoisomer(45%). This suggests that the isomerization reaction which leadsto the production of the presumed 9-cis isomers occurs earlyin the pathway of carotene biosynthesis, at or before phytoene,with no isomerization during the further transformations leadingto ß-carotene. (Received January 29, 1990; Accepted May 9, 1990)
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