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Model for the Relationships betweenCO2-Concentrating Mechanism, CO2 Fixation, and Glycolate Synthesis during Photosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Authors:Yokota, Akiho   Iwaki, Toshio   Miura, Kazuo   Wadano, Akira   Kitaoka, Shozaburo
Affiliation:Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Osaka Prefecture Sakai, Osaka 59 J, Japan
Abstract:We constructed a mathematical model for simulating the relationshipsof extracellular concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC), the rates of photosynthetic CO2 fixation and glycolatesynthesis, and the concentrations of intrachloroplast CO2 andO2 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. When we compared the photosyntheticrates of I0W-CO2 (air)-grown C. reinhardtii measured experimentallyand the rates simulated with the incubation conditions in themodel, the model was found to function well. The calculatedrates for glycolate synthesis also matched the measured ratesbetween 80 to 200 µM extracellular DIC, found in the presenceof 1 mM aminooxyacetate. The conformity of the calculated ratesto the measured ones of the glycolate synthesis encouraged usto estimate the O2 concentration at the active site of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase; the results were 0.36 and0.40 mM at 80 and 200 µM extracellular DIC, respectively.These high concentrations of O2 were due to stimulation of photosyntheticCO2 fixation and further O2 evolution by a CO2- concentratingmechanism in the low-CO2-grown cells. These cells were calculatedto consume 43% of ATP formed photosynthetically for CO2 concentrationat 200 µM extracellular DIC. The model modified to simulatethese relationships in high-CO2 (3 to 5% CO2)-grown C. reinhardtiipredicted O2 concentration in chloroplasts to be 0.36 mM ina 1% CO2 atmosphere. This high concentration of O2 caused activeglycolate synthesis at the measured rate in the high-CO2-growncells even in the presence of 1% CO2. The comparisons of themeasured and simulated rates of photosynthesis in low- and high-CO2-grownC. reinhardtii indicated that no matter how the CO2 accumulatedin the chloroplasts, it increased the O2 concentration in theorganelles, and consequently enhanced glycolate synthesis. 1This paper is the twenty-first in a series on glycolate metabolismin Euglena gracilis. (Received March 11, 1987; Accepted August 17, 1987)
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