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Flower-Inducing Activity of Lysine in Lemna paucicostata 151 Cultured on Nitrogen-Deficient Medium
Authors:Tanaka, Osamu   Nakayama, Yoshio   Fukuoka, Yoshie   Arimura, Tsutomu   Nishimura, Hisao   Nishimura, Noriko   Takeba, Go   Sugino, Mamoru
Affiliation:1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Konan University Kobe, 658 Japan
2 Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University Nara, 631 Japan
3 Department of Hygiene, Aichi Medical University Nagakute, 480-11 Japan
4 Laboratory of Applied Biology, Faculty of Life Science, Kyoto Prefecture University Kyoto, 606 Japan
Abstract:Lemna paucicostata 151, a weakly responsive short-day plant,flowers even under continuous illumination when cultured onnitrogen-free medium for more than 72 hours with subsequentculture on nitrogen-rich medium. During the nitrogen-free culture,the protease activity and protein content of the plant increasedand decreased, respectively. The plant contained a protein(s)that induced flowering of the plant when added to the medium.The level of this protein(s) also decreased during the nitrogen-freeculture. The total amount of free amino acids in plants culturedon nitrogen-free medium for 96 hours decreased to about 15%of that in plants at the start of nitrogen-free culture, butlevels of some amino acids increased. These amino acids wereexamined for their effects on flowering of plants cultured onnitrogen-deficient or nitrogen-free medium. Most of the aminoacids had no effect on flowering. However, profuse floweringwas induced when lysine was added to the medium. Lysine promotedthe flower-inductive process(es) rather than the developmentof flower buds. These results suggest that nitrogen deficiency-induced floweringof the plants is induced by lysine, which is generated froma specific protein(s) by proteolysis. (Received May 11, 1992; Accepted July 30, 1992)
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