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引用本文:张振振,杨轲嘉,顾宇璐,赵平,欧阳磊. 模拟降雨格局变化对亚热带地区两树种液流特征的影响[J]. 植物生态学报, 2019, 43(11): 988-998. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0128
作者姓名:张振振  杨轲嘉  顾宇璐  赵平  欧阳磊
作者单位:浙江师范大学地理与环境科学学院, 浙江金华 321000
中国科学院华南植物园, 中国科学院退化生态系统植被恢复与管理重点实验室, 广东省应用植物学重点实验室, 广州 510650
摘    要:在全球变化的影响下, 中国亚热带地区近几十年降水格局发生了急剧变化。这种变化对亚热带常绿阔叶林植物的生长和森林水分平衡的影响尚不清楚。为此, 该研究从植物整树蒸腾角度出发, 通过在天然次生林中进行人工隔除降雨模拟降水格局变化, 研究降水变化对植物水分利用的影响。试验于2012年9月至2014年12月在广东鹤山森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站内的常绿阔叶林内进行, 通过林下搭建遮雨棚, 截留干季(10月至次年3月)的降雨, 并在湿季(次年4至9月)等量返还到样地中, 在保证总降水量不变的前提下模拟干季更干、湿季更湿(DD)的降雨格局变化。在此期间对样地内的木荷(Schima superba)与火力楠(Michelia macclurei)树干液流特征进行连续监测。运用独立样本t检验对对照组(AC)两个树种间的平均最大液流通量密度(¯JS)差异性进行分析, 并将DD处理下两个树种的¯JS与AC进行对比, 来检验隔除降雨对森林蒸腾的效应。结果表明: 当光合有效辐射(PAR)大于1 100 μmol·m -2·s -1时, 对照样地火力楠和木荷的¯JS分别为(49.5 ± 1.7)和(43.6 ± 2.0) mL∙m -2∙s -1, 且前者表现出对光合有效辐射(PAR)更强的敏感性。截留降雨处理开始后(2012-10), 两个树种DD与AC处理的¯JS比值(DD:AC)均先减小后增加, 其中木荷的比值从处理前的0.74下降到了第1次截留降雨处理期(2012-10至2013-03)的0.68, 增加到了第2次截留降雨处理期(2013-10至2014-03)的0.93以及第3次截留降雨处理期(2014-10至2014-11)的1.04; 火力楠则从处理前的1.00下降到了第1次截留降雨处理期的0.94, 在第2次截留降雨处理期增长到1.06, 变化幅度小于木荷。此外, 在第3次截留降雨处理期, 木荷在相同的水汽压亏缺及PAR下能够保持更高的¯JS。这些结果表明, 短期干旱事件会促使森林蒸腾急剧下降, 然而在长期干旱下, 植物会通过提高¯JS来弥补干旱带来的损失, 而木荷由于具有较大的¯JS可塑性, 从而使其在干旱条件下维持更高的水分传输速率。

关 键 词:降雨格局变化  水分利用策略  液流通量密度  水分胁迫  

Effects of simulated changes in precipitation pattern on sap flux in two tree species in subtropical region
ZHANG Zhen-Zhen,YANG Ke-Jia,GU Yu-Lu,ZHAO Ping,OUYANG Lei. Effects of simulated changes in precipitation pattern on sap flux in two tree species in subtropical region[J]. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2019, 43(11): 988-998. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0128
Authors:ZHANG Zhen-Zhen  YANG Ke-Jia  GU Yu-Lu  ZHAO Ping  OUYANG Lei
Affiliation:College of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321000, China
South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Vegetation Restoration and Management of Degraded Ecosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Botany, Guangzhou 510650, China
Abstract:Aims Over the past decades, the precipitation patterns in subtropical regions markedly changed in response to global climate change. The impacts of changing precipitation patterns on plant growths and forest water balance remain unclear. In this study, the effects of varying precipitation patterns on whole tree water were tested in a natural forest in South China.Methods The study was conducted in the Heshan National Field Research Station of Forest Ecosystem in Guangdong Province, from September 2012 to December 2014. Throughfalls were intercepted by installing rain-shelters underneath the tree canopy and transferred to a nearby water reservior in dry season (from October to March of the next year), which were then reapplied to the field plots in equal quantity of the interception in wet season (from April to September), to simulate changed rainfall pattern to drier dry season and wetter wet season (DD). Sap flux density was continually measured on two tree species, Schima superba and Michelia macclurei. Student t-test was used to determine the significance of differences in mean maximum sap flux density (¯JS) between the two species in the control plots (AC), and between AC and DD treatments during the experiment.Important findings The average ¯JS was (49.5 ± 1.7) mL∙m -2∙s -1in M. macclurei and (43.6 ± 2.0) mL∙m -2∙s -1 in S. superba in the AC treatment when the active photosynthetic radiation (PAR) was greater than 1 100 μmol·m -2·s -1. M. macclurei showed higher sensitivity to increasing PAR. The ¯JS ratio (DD/AC) in both species initially increased significantly, followed by a short-term decrease. In S. superba, the ratio decreased from 0.74 to 0.68 in DD from October 2012 to March 2013, and then increased to 0.93 in March 2014 and 1.04 in November 2014. In M. macclurei, the ratio decreased from 1.00 to 0.94 in DD from October 2012 to March 2013, and then increased to 1.06 in March 2014. We found that S. superba could maintain higher ¯JS in response to the increasing PAR and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in the DD treatment. Our results showed that the short-term drought would lead to a decline in tree transpiration; but in the long run, plants tended to compensate for the drought induced growth loss by elevating the ¯JS. Compared to M. macclurei, S. superba could maintain higher water transport capacity due to its more extensive ¯JS plasticity in response to the extended drought.
Keywords:changed precipitation patterns,  water use strategy,  sap flux density,  water stress
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