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Identification of a response element for vitamin D3 and retinoic acid in the promoter region of the human fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase gene
Authors:Fujisawa K  Umesono K  Kikawa Y  Shigematsu Y  Taketo A  Mayumi M  Inuzuka M
Affiliation:Department of Pediatrics and Department of Biochemistry, Fukui Medical University, Matsuoka, Fukui 910-1193, Japan. fujufuji@fmsrsa. fukui-med.ac.jp.
Abstract:Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) is a key gluconeogenic enzyme. The data herein show that both the enzyme activity and mRNA level of the human FBPase gene are enhanced by 9-cis retinoic acid (9cRA) and all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) as well as by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (VD3) in human promyelocytic HL60 cells and normal monocytes in peripheral blood, which were used as an alternative source to liver for the DNA diagnosis of FBPase deficiency. To understand the molecular mechanism of this enhancing action, the 2.4 kb 5'-regulatory region of the human FBPase gene was isolated and sequenced. Using luciferase reporter gene assays, a 0.5 kb FBPase basal promoter fragment was found to confer induction by VD3, 9cRA, and atRA that was mediated by the vitamin D3 receptor (VDR), retinoid X receptor (RXR), and retinoic acid receptor (RAR). Within this region, a direct repeat sequence, 5'-TAACCTttcTGAACT-3' (-340 to -326), which functions as a common response element for VD3, 9cRA, and atRA, was identified. The results of electrophoretic mobility shift assays indicated that VDR-RXR and RAR-RXR heterodimers bind this response element. Collectively, these observations indicate that VD3 and RA are important modulators of the expression of the human FBPase gene in monocytic cells.
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