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The change of pattern in microfibril arrangement on the inner surface of the cell wall of Closterium acerosum during cell growth
Authors:Taizo Hogetsu  Hiroh Shibaoka
Affiliation:(1) department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Hongo, 113 Tokyo, Japan;(2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Fukazawa, 158 Tokyo, Japan;(3) Present address: Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu, 183 Tokyo, Japan
Abstract:Closterium acerosum (Schrank) Ehrenberg cells cultured on cycles of 16 h light and 8 h dark, undergo cell division synchronously in the dark period. After cell division, the symmetry of the daughter semicells is restored by controlled expansion, the time required for this restoration, 3.5–4 h, being relatively constant. The restoration of the symmetry is achieved by highly oriented surface expansion occurring along the entire length of the new semicell. During early semicell expansion, for about 2.5 h, microfibrils are deposited parallel to one another and transversely to the cell axis on the inner surface of the new wall. Wall microtubules running parallel to the transversely oriented microfibrils are observed during this period. About 2.5 h after septum formation, preceding the cessation of cell elongation, bundles of 7–11 microfibrils running in various directions begin to overlay the parallel-arranged microfibrils already deposited. In the fully elongated cells, no wall microtubules are observed.
Keywords:Cell shape  Cell wall  Microfibrils  Microtubules  Closterium
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