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Exploiting new terrain: an advantage to sociality in the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum
Authors:Kuzdzal-Fick  Jennie J; Foster  Kevin R; Queller  David C; Strassmann  Joan E
Institution:Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Rice University, MS 170, 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005, USA
Abstract:Understanding the ecological benefits of social actions is centralto explaining the evolution of social behavior. The social amoebaDictyostelium discoideum has been well studied and is a modelfor social evolution and development, but surprisingly littleis known about its ecology. When starving, thousands of thenormally solitary amoebae aggregate to form a differentiatedmulticellular organism known as a slug. The slug migrates towardthe soil surface where it metamorphoses into a fruiting bodyof hardy spores held up by a dead stalk comprising about one-fifthof the cells. Multicellularity in D. discoideum is thought tohave evolved to lift the spores above the hazards of the soilwhere spores can be picked up for long-distance dispersal. Here,we show that multicellularity has another advantage: local dispersalto new food sources. We find that cells shed by D. discoideumslugs during migration consume and remove bacteria in the pathof the slug, although slugs themselves do not breakup. We alsoshow that slugs are adept at local dispersal by comparing migrationof slugs with migration of individual cells of the mutant, CAP2,which cannot aggregate and so rely only on cellular movement.In particular, the solitary cells of the aggregation mutantare unable to cross a soil barrier, easily crossed by slugs.We propose that the exploitation of local food patches is animportant selective benefit favoring multicellular cooperationin D. discoideum.
Keywords:altruism  Dictyostelium discoideum  multicellularity  social evolution  sociality  
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