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K-Cl cotransport in vascular smooth muscle and erythrocytes: possible implication in vasodilation
Authors:Adragna N C  White R E  Orlov S N  Lauf P K
Affiliation:Departments of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Wright State University, School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio 45435, USA. norma.adragna@wright.edu
Abstract:K-Cl cotransport, theelectroneutral-coupled movement of K and Cl ions, plays an importantrole in regulatory volume decrease. We recently reported that nitrite,a nitric oxide derivative possessing potent vasodilation properties,stimulates K-Cl cotransport in low-K sheep red blood cells (LK SRBCs).We hypothesized that activation of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) K-Clcotransport by vasodilators decreases VSM tension. Here we tested thishypothesis by comparing the effects of commonly used vasodilators,hydralazine (HYZ), sodium nitroprusside, isosorbide mononitrate, andpentaerythritol, on K-Cl cotransport in LK SRBCs and in primarycultures of rat VSM cells (VSMCs) and of HYZ-induced K-Clcotransport activation on relaxation of isolated porcine coronaryrings. K-Cl cotransport was measured as the Cl-dependent K efflux or Rbinflux in the presence and absence of inhibitors for other K/Rbtransport pathways. All vasodilators activated K-Cl cotransport in LKSRBCs and HYZ in VSMCs, and this activation was inhibited by calyculinand genistein, two inhibitors of K-Cl cotransport. KT-5823, a specificinhibitor of protein kinase G, abolished the sodiumnitroprusside-stimulated K-Cl cotransport in LK SRBCs, suggestinginvolvement of the cGMP pathway in K-Cl cotransport activation.Hydralazine, in a dose-dependent manner, and sodium nitroprussiderelaxed (independently of the endothelium) precontractedarteries when only K-Cl cotransport was operating and other pathwaysfor K/Rb transport, including the Ca-activated K channel, wereinhibited. Our findings suggest that K-Cl cotransport may be involvedin vasodilation.

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