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引用本文:周择福,王延平,张光灿. 五台山林区典型人工林群落物种多样性研究[J]. 西北植物学报, 2005, 25(2): 321-327
作者姓名:周择福  王延平  张光灿
作者单位:1. 中国林业科学院林业研究所国家林业局林木培育实验室,北京,100091;山东农业大学,林学院,山东泰安,271018
2. 山东农业大学,林学院,山东泰安,271018
基金项目:"十五" 国家科技攻关子专题项目 (编号2001BA510B0404 )
摘    要:
对山西五台山林区4种典型人工林群落物种多样性特征进行了定量研究,结果表明: 1 4种人工林群落灌木层和草本层的Simpson指数 D 和Shannon-Wienner指数 H′ 差异不显著,物种丰富度指数和均匀度指数 Jsw 差异显著,均匀度指数 Ea 差异极显著,草本层发育明显好于灌木层; 2 各人工群落尚处于演替初期阶段,林下植被发育常以禾本科阳生性植物为主; 3 对4种人工林群落灌草层物种多样性显著性检验结果显示,在灌草层物种多样性特征上,油松林与桦木林、山杨林多样性差异显著 P<0.05 ,其它群落差异不显著.山杨林物种多样性程度较高,油松林最差; 4 不同人工林群落物种总体多样性特征分析表明,桦木和山杨人工林群落总体α多样性与油松林差异显著,且多样性较大,阔叶林更有利于林下植被的发育和更新; 5 对人工生态系统物种多样性研究是退耕还林、天然林保护等生态环境工程的延伸,对于植被恢复后的生物学效果评价有重要意义.

关 键 词:五台山林区 人工林群落 物种多样性 植被恢复

Biodiversity of Main Typical Manmade Communities in Forest Region of Mountain Wutai, Shanxi
ZHOU Ze-fu. Biodiversity of Main Typical Manmade Communities in Forest Region of Mountain Wutai, Shanxi[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2005, 25(2): 321-327
Authors:ZHOU Ze-fu
Affiliation:ZHOU Ze-fu~
The characteristics of species diversity of four typical manmade communities in forest region of Mountain Wutai, Shanxi province was systematically studied. The results were as follow:Firstly, the differences of Simpson index and Shannon-Wienner index of shrub and herb layer among four manmade communities were non-significant. But the richness and evenness index were significant. The development of herbs was better than shrubs obviously. Secondly, each manmade community was still in the primary stage of succession. The vegetation under woody layer was mainly sunny species as herbaceae. Thirdly, the results of (tvalue) test on the diversity of shrub and herb layer in four manmade communities showed that the difference of species diversity between Betula forest and Pinus forest, Populus forest, was significant(P<0.05). Others were not significant. The shrub species in Populus forest were more than other forests. So, the diversity index was higher, the evenness index was lower and the diverse degree of species was higher. But, the biodiversity of Pinus forest was poor. Fourthly, the analysis of total diversity characteristic of four manmade communities showed that the total diversity of Betula and Populus forest had significant difference from Pinus forest. The total diversity of manmade broad leafed forest was stronger, coniferous forest weaker. Broad leafed forest was advantageous to development and renewal of vegetation under woody layer. Fifthly, the research on the biodiversity of manmade ecosystem was the continuation of eco-environment project as natural forest protection. The research on manmade ecosystem biodiversity was important to evaluate the effect of vegetation recovery and re-construction.
Keywords:forest region of Mount. Wutai  manmade community  species diversity  vegetation recovery
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