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引用本文:张芸香,李海波,郭晋平. 实验条件下华北落叶松和白杄苗期生长策略的差异比较[J]. 生态学报, 2010, 30(24): 7064-7071
作者姓名:张芸香  李海波  郭晋平
作者单位:1. 山西农业大学林学院,山西太谷,030801
2. 潞安煤电集团林业公司,030000
摘    要:以华北落叶松和白杄为研究对象,通过人工控制条件下的幼苗栽培实验,设置光照、基质水分和基质氮素3个环境因子的多个水平,分析了华北落叶松和白杄苗期生长对3个环境因子变化的响应,对两个树种苗期生长策略的差异进行了综合比较分析。研究结果表明,华北落叶松的苗期生长对光照条件的变化有显著响应,而对基质水分和氮素水平变化的响应不显著,一定程度的遮荫有利于幼苗生长,该树种虽为阳性树种,但苗期具有一定耐阴性。白杄的苗期生长与华北落叶松相比较为缓慢,对光照条件的变化不敏感,但对水分条件的变化有显著响应,阴湿环境不利于白杄幼苗的生长,一定程度的干旱反而可能促进幼苗的生长,基质氮素含量过高可能还会对幼苗生长带来抑制作用。华北落叶松和白杄苗期生长对环境条件异质性的不同响应模式,必将影响两者的种间关系及其在群落中的共存机制,影响群落的动态趋势和过程。

关 键 词:华北落叶松;白杄;生长策略;响应

Comparison of growth strategy for Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea meyeri seedlings under controlled conditions
Zhangyunxiang and Guo jinping. Comparison of growth strategy for Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea meyeri seedlings under controlled conditions[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2010, 30(24): 7064-7071
Authors:Zhangyunxiang and Guo jinping
Affiliation:College of Forestry of Shanxi Agricultural University,Shanxi Agricultural University
Abstract:The mixed stand of Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea meyeri is one of the dominate forest types in the mountain area of northern China.Many forest scientists believe that the climax vegetation community in the area was pure Picea meyeri stand,however,the existing mixed stands of the two species with larger proportion and long history must have interior mechanism of tree physiology and ecology.To study different growth responses of Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea meyeri seedlings to light intensity...
Keywords:Larix principis-rupprechtii   Picea meyeri   growth strategy   response   seedling
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