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Hormonal control of cambial activity and vessel differentiation in Quercus robur
Authors:Jacek Zakrzewski
Affiliation:J. Zakrzewski, Dept. of Forest Botnny, Univ. of Agriculture (S.G.G.W.–A.R.),26/30 Rakowiecka Street, 02-528 Warsaw, Poland
Abstract:Cambial activity and vessel differentiation of the Quercus robur stem were investigated in relation to concentration of growth regulators and sucrose, seasonal changes in the sensitivity of cambial cells, and axial polarity of the stem. Basipetal efflux of natural auxin was measured in the oak stem cambial region. IAA, GA3, kinetin and sucrose affected cambial activity and/or initiation of vessel differentiation differently, depending upon concentration. Depending upon the season, kinetin increased or reduced the stimulation of cambial activity caused by IAA and GA3, but it did not affect the differentiation of vessels. Supply of sucrose in higher concentrations reduced the number of differentiated vessels but did not decrease the stimulation of cambial divisions.Unlike stimulation of cambial activity by GA3, auxin stimulation of cambial divisions and differentiation of vessels were highly dependent upon stem polarity, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) inhibited formation of vessels, but not cambial activity. The oscillations in basipetal efflux of natural auxin from the cambial stem region of successive 6 mm long sections substantiate the hypothesis that the histogenesis of xylem tissue in ring-porous species is under control of the vectoriat field that is associated with oscillatory phenomena in polar auxin transport.
Keywords:IAA    GA3l kinetm    sucrose    TIBA    xylem formation    stem polarity
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