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Methods for comparison of parameters from longitudinal rhythmometric models with multiple components
Authors:Fernandez José R  Mojón Artemio  Hermida Ramón C  Alonso Ignacio
Affiliation: a Bioengineering & Chronobiology Laboratories, University of Vigo, Campus Universitario, Vigo, Spain
Abstract:Multiple components linear least-squares methods have been proposed for the detection of periodic components in nonsinusoidal longitudinal time series. However, a proper test for comparison of parameters obtained from this method for two or more time series is not yet available. Accordingly, we propose two methods, one parametric and one nonparametric, to compare parameters from rhythmometric models with multiple components. The parametric method is based on techniques commonly and generally employed in linear regression analysis. The comparison of parameters among two or more time series is accomplished by the use of so-called dummy variables. The nonparametric method is based on bootstrap techniques. This approach basically tests if the difference in any given parameter obtained by fitting a model with the same periods to two different longitudinal time series differs from zero. This method calculates a confidence interval for the difference in the tested parameter. If this interval does not contain zero, it can be concluded that the parameters obtained from the two time series are different with high probability. An estimation of the p-value for the corresponding test can also be calculated. By the use of similar bootstrap techniques, confidence intervals can also be obtained for any parameter derived from the multiple component fit of several periods to nonsinusoidal longitudinal time series, including the orthophase (peak time), bathyphase (trough time), and global amplitude (difference between the maximum and the minimum) of the fitted model waveform. These methods represent a valuable tool for the comparison of rhythm parameters obtained by multiple component analysis, and they render this approach as a generally applicable one for waveform representation and detection of periodicities in nonsinusoidal, sparse, and noisy longitudinal time series sampled with either equidistant or unequidistant observations.
Keywords:Multiple components analysis  Parameter testing  Periodic regression  Longitudinal time series
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