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Vertical mesozooplankton abundance and distribution in the deep Eastern Mediterranean Sea SE of Crete
Authors:Weikert, H.   Trinkaus, S.
Affiliation:Institut für Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaft der Universität Hamburg Zeiseweg9, D-2000 Hamburg 50, FRG
Abstract:Mesozooplankton from the Levantine Basin, Eastern Mediterranean,were analysed for composition and vertical distribution fromthe surface to 4000 m, with special emphasis on calanoid copepods.Copepods were dominant, ostracods and chaetognaths ranked next.Zooplankton abundance and biomass were highest in the top 100m layer. A secondary concentration maximum was between 450 and750 m. The exponential decrease of zooplankton with depth wasstronger than in the open ocean, but less strong than in theRed Sea. Similarly to the Red Sea, three genera among calanoidcopepods were predominant in the deep sea. As with the WesternMediterranean, but different from the Red Sea, populations ofmesopelagic and one bathypelagic species were found to occurwell below 1250 m to depths of at least 3000 m. Similarly toboth seas, long-range vertical migrators were rare, those presentmainly belonging to the genus Pleuromamma, and diel migrationswere restricted to the upper 600 or 1000 m. Due to the hightemperatures in the deep water bodies of the Levantine and RedSeas, the decomposition of sedimentary particles is assumedto be accelerated. This prevents much detritus from reachingthe sea floor which may explain the anomalous low abundancesof deep-sea zooplankton and benthos. Though the similaritiesto the Red Sea seem to be strong, the Levantine Sea is likelyto hold an intermediate position between the open ocean andthe Western Mediterranean on one side and the Red Sea on theother side.
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