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Near-bottom depletion of zooplankton over a coral reef II: relationships with zooplankton swimming ability
Authors:Roi Holzman  Matthew A. Reidenbach  Stephen G. Monismith  Jeffrey R. Koseff  Amatzia Genin
Affiliation:(1) The Inter-university Institute for Marine Sciences of Eilat and Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, P.O. Box 469, Eilat, 88103, Israel;(2) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, CA 94305-4020, USA;(3) Present address: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1710, USA
Abstract:Intense predation by corals and associated fauna can generate vertical gradients of their zooplankton prey. The goal of this study was to characterize the small-scale distribution of zooplankton above the coral reef of Eilat, Israel. Four vertical arrays, each consisting five underwater pumps attached 0.5–3 m apart on a taut mooring, were deployed for 10 days at two sites over the reef slope. A distinct layer of depleted zooplankton was repeatedly found in the 1.5 m high benthic boundary layer. The gradient was sharpest for strong swimmers (copepods and polychaeta), intermediate for weak swimmers (nauplii, mollusks and appendicularia), and lacking for passive taxa (eggs and foraminifera). Spatio-temporal changes in the abundance of copepods and polychaetes were highly correlated, more so in the water aloft (Pearson r>0.9) than near the bottom (r>0.8). The spatio-temporal correlations between weak swimmers and between passive taxa were much weaker (r<0.8 and r<0.4, respectively). Flow and shear stress did not affect the distribution patterns. The correspondence between the zooplankton distribution and their swimming ability indicates that bottom avoidance contribute to the formation of depleted layer over the reef.
Keywords:Behavior  Small-scale distribution  Predation  Boundary layer
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