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DNA adducts as indicators of genotoxic exposure in indigenous and transplanted mussels, Mytilus edulis L. from Icelandic coastal sites
Authors:Ericson G  Skarphédinsdóttir H  Zuanna L Dalla  Svavarsson J
Affiliation:Institute of Applied Environmental Research, Laboratory for Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Stockholm University, SE-106 91, Sweden. gunilla.ericson@itm.su.se
Abstract:Indigenous mussels, Mytilus edulis, were collected at sites with supposed different amounts of pollution; Reykjavík harbour, Keflavík harbour, Grafarvogur and Hvalfj?rdur (reference), along the south-western coast of Iceland in March 2000. Mussels from Hvalfj?rdur and Reykjavík harbour were also collected in August the same year. Additionally, mussels were transplanted from the reference site to Reykjavík harbour for 6 weeks during both winter and summer for comparison. DNA adducts were analysed by 32P-post-labelling in gills and digestive gland. Highest adduct levels were found in gill tissue from indigenous mussels collected in Reykjavík harbour. Adduct levels in both tissues from mussels collected at the reference site were below or very close to the detection limit during winter, but seemed to increase a little during summer. Mussels from sites with supposed intermediate pollution had intermediate levels of DNA adducts in gills but did not differ from Reykjavík harbour in digestive gland. No increase in adduct levels was observed in mussels transplanted from the reference site to Reykjavík harbour, except for a slight increase in digestive gland during winter. This study shows that 32P-post-labelling analysis of DNA adducts is sensitive enough to be used on indigenous mussels from relatively pristine areas and that adduct levels are increased in harbours/urban sites. However, transplantation of mussels from a clean site to the harbour for 6 weeks did not result in increased adduct levels in gills, the tissue with the highest adduct levels. The results also indicate that seasonal variation in adduct levels may occur.
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