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Effect of Phosphorus Deficiency on Phosphatase Activity of Cell Walls from Roots of Subterranean Clover
Abstract:Clover (Trifolium subterraneum L. cv. Mt. Barker) was grownin solution culture with adequate (+P) or no phosphate (–P).Cell walls were extracted from roots in such a way that theywere uncontaminated by other cellular materials. Phosphataseactivity was assayed using p-nitro-phenylphosphate (NPP). Phosphatasebound to cell walls had a pH optimum between 5.0 and 6.0, irrespectiveof the P supply to the plants. Activity of phosphatase boundto cell walls increased with electrolyte concentration of theassay medium at pH 6.5 but not at pH 5.5. This increase in activitywas probably due to a higher degree of ionization of the cellwall at pH 6.5 than at pH 5.5, and to effects of high ionicstrength in decreasing the mutual repulsion of negatively chargedNPP from negative charges on the cell walls. Cell wall-boundphosphatase did not exhibit Michaelis-Menten kinetics: the concentrationof NPP at which activity was half the maximum rate (S0.5) was0.7 mM for cell walls extracted from roots of both +P and –Pplants. Up to 30% of the phosphatase activity bound to cellwalls could be removed using buffer solutions of high pH andhigh ionic strength which contained Triton X100. Both soluble and cell wall-bound phosphatase(s) of roots increasedin activity with P deficiency. The phosphatase activity of cellwalls increased 1.5 fold as the P concentration in the rootsfell from 0.4–0.2% dry weight. Experiments with sterileroots of clover showed that increases in cell wall-bound phosphataseactivity associated with P deficiency were not due to microbialcontamination. It is argued that phosphatase(s) in cell wallsof roots could make a substantial contribution to the P nutritionof clover in soils deficient in inorganic phosphate by hydrolysingorganic phosphate compounds in the soil. Key words: Phosphatase, Clover, Roots, Phosphorus deficiency, Cell walls
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