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Phylogenetic relationships in Orchis and some related genera: an approach using chloroplast DNA
Authors:Salvatore Cozzolino  Serena Aceto  Paolo Caputo  Luciano Gaudio  Roberto Nazzaro
Affiliation:S. Cozzolino, Orto botanico, Universitàdi Napoli Federico II, Via Foria, 223, 1–80139 Naples, Italy.;S. Aceto and L. Gaudio, Dip. di Genetica, Biologia generate e molecolare, Universitàdi Napoli Federico II, Via Mezzocannone, 8, 1–80134 Naples, Italy.;P. Caputo and R. Nazzaro, Dip. di Biologia vegetale, Universitàdi Napoli Federico II, Via Foria, 223, 1–80139 Naples, Italy
Abstract:A chloroplast DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis has been carried out on representatives species of Orchis (Orchidaceae) and of the allied genera Aceras, Dactylorhiza , and Anacamptis . One species of Cephalanthera and one of Serapias were used as outgroups. The consensus tree from a cladistic analysis showed that Orchis , as presently defined, is paraphyletic, as it contains also Aceras anthropophorum and Dactylorhiza saccifera . The genus Orchis is divided in two clades: one including O. laxiflora, O. papilionacea, O. coriophora , and O. morio in a ladderized sequence, the other showing D. saccifera at the base, followed by a clade in which a collapse of O. mascula, O. pauciflora, O. quadripunctata is sister group to a clade composed by O. italica, O. simia , and A. anthropophorum . These results, which agree to a great extent with literature evidence on chromosomes and isozymes, have been compared with various traditional systematic hypotheses for the genus.
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