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Genetic variation and natural hybridization betweenOrchis laxiflora andOrchis palustris (Orchidaceae)
Authors:Paola Arduino  Federica Verra  Rossella Cianchi  Walter Rossi  Bruno Corrias  Luciano Bullini
Affiliation:(1) Dept. Genetics and Molecular Biology, Univ. Rome "ldquo"La Sapienza"rdquo", Via Lancisi 29, I-00161 Rome, Italy;(2) Dept. Environmental Sciences, Univ. L'Aquila, Coppito, I-67010 L'Aquila, Italy;(3) Dept. Botany and Plant Ecology, Univ. Sassari, Via Muroni 25, I-07100 Sassari, Italy
Abstract:Genetic divergence between population samples ofOrchis laxiflora and ofO. palustris from various European locations was studied by electrophoretic analysis of 25 enzyme loci. An average genetic distance of DNei = 1.24 was found between the two taxa, with 12 out of 25 loci showing alternative alleles (diagnostic loci). Genetic heterogeneity was observed within bothO. laxiflora andO. palustris, when northern and southeastern populations were compared, being lower in the former taxon (D = 0.06), than in the latter (D = 0.16). Karyologically, 2n = 36 was found for bothO. laxiflora andO. palustris. O. laxiflora andO. palustris produce hybrids, described asO. ×intermedia. Genotype analysis of several sympatric samples showed the presence of hybrid zones, including F1 hybrids and, in low proportions, recombinant classes, putatively assigned to Fn and backcrosses, as well as a few introgressed individuals of both taxa. These data indicate that hybrids are only partially fertile, with a very limited mixing up of the two parental gene pools; this is also shown by the lack of significant lowering of genetic distances when sympatric and allopatric heterospecific samples are compared. Accordingly,O. laxiflora andO. palustris form a syngameon; nevertheless they can be considered as good taxonomic species, with virtually distinct gene pools, which evolve independently. The genetic variability inO. laxiflora andO. palustris is remarkably low (
$$bar H$$
e = 0.05 and
$$bar H$$
e = 0.02, respectively). In particular, nearly complete absence of polymorphic loci was found inO. palustris from northcentral Europe. Two hypotheses are considered to explain the low genetic variability of this endangered species.
Keywords:Orchidaceae  Orchis laxiflora  O. palustris  Isozymes  genetic structure  gene flow  genetic distance  chromosome number  hybridization  biochemical taxonomy  endangered species
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