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Estimating tsetse population parameters: application of a mathematical model with density-dependence
Authors:Artzrouni M  Gouteux J-P
Affiliation:Département de Mathématiques Appliqués (IPRA), Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France. marc.artzrouni@univ-pau.fr
Abstract:A density-dependent model is used to describe the dynamics of an open population of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae). Immigration (or emigration) takes place when the total population is below (or above) a biologically determined threshold value. The population is also subjected to birth and death rates, as well as to the risk of being trapped (continuously or intermittently). During trapping the population decreases toward a 'low' equilibrium population and when trapping ceases the population starts recovering and increases toward a 'high' equilibrium. The model is fitted using data collected on trapped flies in four experiments. The first one was conducted with 'intermittent trapping' (i.e. several trapping-recovery cycles) on Glossina fuscipes fuscipes Newstead in the Central African Republic (Bangui area). In the other experiments, trapping data on Glossina palpalis palpalis (Robineau-Desvoidy) was collected in 'aggregate' form over several days at a time. Two of these were in Congo-Brazzaville (Bouenza area) and one in the Ivory Coast (Vavoua focus). Estimates are derived for the low and high equilibrium values as well as the trapping rate. The estimated effect of sustained trapping is to reduce the population to low equilibrium values that are 85-87% lower than the levels without trapping. The effects of the natural intrinsic growth and of the migration flows cannot be estimated separately because in the model they are mathematically indistinguishable.
Keywords:Glossina fuscipes fuscipes    Glossina palpalis palpalis    birth rate    death rate    density-dependence    migration    population dynamics    tsetse    trapping    Bangui    Bouenza    Lake Gbalé    Vavoua    Central African Republic    Congo-Brazzaville    Ivory Coast
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