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A Cytochrome P450 Mediated Naringenin 3'-Hydroxylase from Sweet Orange Cell Cultures
Authors:Doostdar, Hamed   Shapiro, Jeffrey P.   Niedz, Randall   Burke, M.D.   McCollum, T. Gregory   McDonald, Roy E.   Mayer, Richard T.
Affiliation:U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory Orlando, Florida 32803, U.S.A.
2 University of Aberdeen, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Marischal College Aberdeen, AB9 1AS, United Kingdom
Abstract:A microsomal flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase (F3'H) catalyzing themetabolism of naringenin to eriodictyol in Citrus sinensis (L.)Osbeck cv. ‘Hamlin’ cell suspension cultures wasshown to be a cytochrome P450 enzyme. This reaction requiredO2 and NADPH and was inhibited by CO, with partial reversalof CO-inhibition by light at 450 nm. Cytochrome P450 contentranged from 10–20 pmol (mg microsomal protein)–1.The F3'H reaction was shown to be linear in regard to proteinconcentration between 2.5 and 25 µg of microsomal protein.The optimum pH for the reaction was 7.4–7.6 and the temperatureoptimum was between 30 and 37°C. The apparent Km and Vmaxfor naringenin were 24 µM±3.2 and 81.4±7.9pmol eriodictyol min–1 (mg protein)–1, respectively.The microsomal F3'H was also capable of forming dihydroquercetinfrom dihydrokaempferol (40 pmol min–1 (mg protein)–1)and of quercetin from kaempferol (3.25 pmol min–1 (mgprotein–1). Cytochrome c and ketoconazole were the bestinhibitors of WH activity followed by piperonyl butoxide anda-naphthoflavone. Light was shown to be an inducer of the F3'Halmost doubling the specific activity and increasing the microsomalcytochrome P450 content by 30% over that of dark grown cells.F3'H activity was also confirmed in microsomal preparationsof young (new flush) leaves from ‘Hamlin’ treesand flavedo of ‘Hamlin’ oranges, ‘Marsh’grapefruit, and ‘Lisbon’ lemon. No activity wasobserved in older, hardened leaves and albedo of all the fruittested. Initiation of embryogenesis in the ‘Hamlin’cell suspension cultures by switching from a sucrose mediumto a glycerol-based medium resulted in the down-regulation ofF3'H. 1Mention of a trademark, warranty, proprietary product, or vendordoes not constitute a guarantee by the U.S. Department of Agricultureand does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other productsor vendors that may also be suitable.
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