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The enzymatic sulfation of glycoprotein carbohydrate units: blood group T-hapten specific and two other distinct Gal:3-O-sulfotransferases as evident from specificities and kinetics and the influence of sulfate and fucose residues occurring in the carbohydrate chain on C-3 sulfation of terminal Gal
Authors:Chandrasekaran, E.V.   Jain, Rakesh K.   Vig, Rakesh   Matta, Khushi L.
Affiliation:Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute Elm and Canton Streets, Buffalo, NY 14263, USA
Abstract:Enzymatic 3-O-sulfation of terminal ß-Gal residueswas investigated by screening sulfotransferase activity presentin 37 human tissue specimens toward the following synthesizedacceptor moieties: Galß1,3GalNAc{alpha}-O-Al, Galß1,4GlcNAcß-O-Al,Galß1,3GlcNAcß-O-Al, and mucin-type Galß1,4GlcNAcß1,6(Galß1,3)GalNAc{alpha}-O-Bnstructures containing a C-3 methyl substituent on either Gal.Two distinct types of Gal: 3-O-sulfotransferases were revealed.One (Group A) was specific for the Galß1, 3GalNAc{alpha}-linkage and the other (Group B) was directed toward the Galß1,4GlcNAcbranch ß1,6 linked to the blood group T hapten. Enzymeactivities found in breast tissues were unique in showing astrict specificity for the T-hapten. Galß-O-allylor benzyl did not serve as acceptors for Group A but were veryactive with Group B. An exainination of activity present insix human sera revealed a specificity of the serum enzyme towardß1,3 linked Gal, particularly, the T-hapten withoutß1,6 branching. Group A was highly active toward T-haptenlacrylamidecopolymer, anti-freeze glycoprotein, and fetuin O-glycosidicasialo glycopeptide; less active toward fetuin triantennaryasialo glycopeptide; and least active toward bovine IgG diantennaryglycopeptide. Group B was moderately and highly active, respectively,with the latter two glycopeptides noted and least active withthe first two. Competition experiments performed with Galß1,3GaLNAc{alpha}-O-Aland Galß1,4GlcNAcß1,6(Galß1,3)GalNAc{alpha}-O-Bnhaving a C-3 substituent (methyl or sulfate) on either Gal reinforcedearlier findings on the specificity characteristics of GroupA and Group B. Group A displayed a wider range of optimal activity(pH 6.0–7.4), whereas Group B possessed a peak of activityat pH 7.2. Mg2+ stimulated Group A 55% and Group B 150%, whereasMn+2 stimulated Group B 130% but inhibited Group A 75%. Ca2+stimulated Group B 100% but inhibited Group A 35%. Group A andGroup B enzymes appeared to be of the same molecular size (<100,000Da) as observed by Sephacryl S-100 HR column chromatography.The following effects upon Gal: 3-O- sulfotransferase activitiesby fucose, sulfate, and other substituents on the carbohydratechains were noted. (1) A methyl or GlcNAc substituent on C-6of GalNAc diminished the ability of Galß1,3GalNAc{alpha}-O-Alto act as an acceptor for Group A. (2) An {alpha}1,3-fucosyl residueon the ß1,6 branch in the mucin core structure didnot affect the activity of Group A toward Gal linked ß1,3to GalNAc{alpha}-. (3) Lewis x and Lewis a terminals did not serveas acceptors for either Group A or B enzymes. (4) Eliminationof Group B activity on Gal in the ß1,6 branch owingto the presence of a 3-fucosyl or 6-sulfo group on GlcNAc didnot hinder any action toward Gal linked ß1,3 to GalNAc{alpha}.(5) Group A activity on Gal linked ß1,3 to GalNAcremained imaffected by 3'-sulfation of the ß1,6 branch.The reverse was true for Group B. (6) The acceptor activityof the T-hapten was increased somewhat upon C-6 sulfation ofGalNAc, whereas, C-6 slalylation resulted in an 85% loss ofactivity. (7) A novel finding was that Galß1,4GlcNAcß-O-Aland Galß1,3GlcNAcß-O-M, upon C-6 sulfationof the GlcNAc moiety, became 100% inactive and 5- to 7-foldactive, respectively, in their ability to serve as acceptorsfor Group B. human tissues glycoprotein galactose:sulfotransferase specificities kinetic properties
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