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Microgametophytes in flowers with and without fruits ofPhlox drummondii (Polemoniaceae)
Authors:Uzi Plitmann  Donald A. Levin
Affiliation:(1) The Hebrew University, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel;(2) Department of Botany, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA
Abstract:Relationships between microgametophyte numbers per flower and fruit-set were sought inPhlox drummondiiHook. This was accomplished by counting fluorescentstained pollen tubes in flowers with and without fruits in 21 populations, and in flowers subject to either supplemental or sparse pollination, and then determining whether the flowers initiate fruits. There was a conspicuous variation in mean pollen tubes per flower (3–38) and in percent fruit-set (17%–92%) among populations. Neighboring populations often differed strikingly in these respects. Flowers with fruits had an average of 15.2 pollen tubes per stigma whereas those without had an average of 3 7 tubes. Over all flowers, there was a mean of 3.7 tubes per ovule. There was a strong correlation between mean tube number within populations and their percent fruit-set (r = 0.86). Supplemental pollination significantly enhanced fruit-set, thereby supporting the notion that fruit-set was pollen-limited in most populations. In both natural and artificial pollinations a portion of flowers without fruits still had several pollen tubes. The occurrence of fruitless flowers containing tubes is explained by attrition factors, like late-acting pollen-pistil incompatibility, and resource limitation. Fruit-set could be initiated with one pollen tube, but this rarely occurred in nature. Higher pollen loads were accompanied by higher percents of fruit-set and number of seeds per flower.
Keywords:Polemoniaceae  Phlox drummondii  Microgametophytes  pollen tube numbers  fruit-set  seed-set
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