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Impact of Daphnia pulex on a metalimnetic microbial community
Authors:Massana, Ramon   Gasol, Josep M.   Jrgens, Klaus   Pedrs-Ali, Carlos
Affiliation:Institut de Cincies del Mar CSIC, Passeig Joan de Borb sin, E-08039 Barcelona, Spain 1Max-Planck-Institut fr Limnologie PO Box 165, D-24302 Pln, FRG
Abstract:A well-structured metalimnetic community, composed mainly ofphototrophic purple bacteria, Cryptomonas, and a few speciesof ciliates and rotifers, was regularly found between 1984 and1991 in Lake Cis. These populations appeared during spring,reached high concentrations and remained in the metalimnionuntil winter mixing. We had previously postulated that thesemetalimnetic populations could persist in such high numbersbecause they were free of efficient predation, since the oxygen-sulfideinterface provided a refuge from predation. In September 1992,an abundant Daphnia pulex population developed in the lake whichresulted in drastic changes in the formerly stable community.The presence of D.pulex induced an extreme clear-water phasein the epilimnion and the metalimnetic populations were severelyreduced. Feeding experiments with Cryptomonas and heterotrophicand phototrophic bacteria as food for D.pulex resulted in clearancerates around 0.7 ml individual–1 h–1. The impactwas very high on the microaerophilic populations, whereas theanaerobic populations were least affected, since sulfide limitedthe vertical distribution of D.pulex. We conclude from thisevidence that the metalimnetic populations in previous yeanwere mostly food limited (bottom-up control) and that theirhigh abundances were in great part due to a lack of efficientpredation.
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