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A new look at an old visual system: structure and development of the compound eyes and optic ganglia of the brine shrimp artemia salina linnaeus, 1758 (branchiopoda,anostraca)
Authors:Miriam Wildt  Steffen Harzsch
Abstract:Compared to research carried out on decapod crustaceans, the development of the visual system in representatives of the entomostracan crustaceans is poorly understood. However, the structural evolution of the arthropod visual system is an important topic in the new debate on arthropod relationships, and entomostracan crustaceans play a key role in this discussion. Hence, data on structure and ontogeny of the entomostracan visual system are likely to contribute new aspects to our understanding of arthropod phylogeny. Therefore, we explored the proliferation of neuronal stem cells (in vivo incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine) and the developmental expression of synaptic proteins (immunohistochemistry against synapsins) in the developing optic neuropils of the brine shrimp Artemia salina Linnaeus, 1758 (Crustacea, Entomostraca, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) from hatching to adulthood. The morphology of the adult visual system was examined in serial sections of plastic embedded specimens. Our results indicate that the cellular material that gives rise to the visual system (compound eyes and two optic ganglia) is contributed by the mitotic activity of neuronal stem cells that are arranged in three band‐shaped proliferation zones. Synapsin‐like immunoreactivity in the lamina ganglionaris and the medulla externa initiated only after the anlagen of the compound eyes had already formed, suggesting that the emergence of the two optic neuropils lags behind the proliferative action of these stem cells. Neurogenesis in A. salina is compared to similar processes in malacostracan crustaceans and possible phylogenetic implications are discussed. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 52: 117–132, 2002
Keywords:Crustacea  visual system  neurogenesis  bromodeoxyuridine  evolution
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