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The phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria brassicicola: Phytotoxin production and phytoalexin elicitation
Authors:M. Soledade C. Pedras  Paulos B. Chumala  Wei Jin  Mohammed S. Islam  Dominic W. Hauck
Affiliation:Department of Chemistry, University of Saskatchewan, 110 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 5C9
Abstract:The metabolites and phytotoxins produced by the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria brassicicola (Schwein.) Wiltshire, as well as the phytoalexins induced in host plants, were investigated. Brassicicolin A emerged as the most selective phytotoxic metabolite produced in liquid cultures of A. brassicicola and spirobrassinin as the major phytoalexin produced in infected leaves of Brassica juncea (whole plants). In detached infected leaves of B. juncea, the main component was N′-acetyl-3-indolylmethanamine, the product of detoxification of the phytoalexin brassinin by A. brassicicola. In addition, the structure elucidation of three hitherto unknown metabolites having a fusicoccane skeleton was carried out and the antifungal activity of several plant defenses against A. brassicicola was determined.
Keywords:Alternaria brassicicola   Brown mustard   Brassica juncea   Canola   Brassica napus   White mustard   Sinapis alba   Brassicaceae   Brassicicolin A   Brassicicene   Brassinin   Cyclobrassinin   Destruxin   Fusicoccane   Host-selective   Phytoalexin   Phytotoxin   Spirobrassinin
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