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Electrochemical treatment of mouse Ehrlich tumor with direct electric current.
Authors:Luis Bergues Cabrales,H  ctor Camu   Ciria,Rodolfo P  rez Bruz  n,Magalys Su  rez Quevedo,Richard Hinojosa Aldana,Lib  n Montes De Oca,Miriam Fari  as Salas,Odalis de la Guardia Pe  a
Affiliation:División de Magnetoterapia, Centro Nacional de Electromagnetismo Aplicado, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. bergues@cnea.uo.edu.cu
Abstract:Electrochemical treatment of cancer utilizes direct electric current (DEC) to produce direct alterations and chemical changes in tumors. However, the DEC treatment is not established and mechanisms are not well understood. In vivo studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of DEC on animal tumor models. Ehrlich tumors were implanted subcutaneously in sixty male BALB/c mice. When the tumor volumes reached 850 mm(3), four platinum electrodes were inserted into the tumors. DEC of 4 mA was applied for 21 min to the treated group; the total charge was 5 C. The healthy and sick control groups were subjected to the same conditions but without DEC. Hematological and chemical parameters as well as histopathological and peritumoral findings were studied. After the electrochemical therapy it was observed that both tumor volume decrease and necrosis percentage increase were significant in the treated group. Moreover, 24 h after treatment an acute inflammatory response, as well as sodium ion decrease, and potassium ion and spleen weight increase were observed in this group. It was concluded that both electrochemical reactions (fundamentally those in which reactive oxygen species are involved), and immune system stimulation induced by cytotoxic action of the DEC could constitute the most important antitumor mechanisms.
Keywords:Ehrlich ascitic tumor  reactive oxygen species  acute inflammatory response  tumor protective environment
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