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关子金丝猴贵州亚种Rhinopithecus roxellanae brelichi Thomas的资料
引用本文:全国强,谢家骅. 关子金丝猴贵州亚种Rhinopithecus roxellanae brelichi Thomas的资料[J]. 兽类学报, 1981, 1(2): 113
作者姓名:全国强  谢家骅
作者单位:1. 中国科学院动物研究所;2. 贵阳师范学院
摘    要:自Thomas(1903)根据获自贵州的一张金丝猴皮,订名为Rhinopithecus brelichi之后,至今再未获得完整标本的报道。因此,关于其生存、分布和数量等现状,颇为国内外动物学界注意,而关于它的分类地位,亦有待进一步澄清。 60年代初,我国有关科研单位、大专院校及自然博物馆等,曾先后到贵州省梵净山地区考察,了解到当地确有一种被称之为“牛尾猴”的灵长类动物,据目击者介绍的形态、毛色,特别是仰鼻长尾二特征,可以肯定是金丝猴。由于山高路险,涧深林密,其本身数量稀少,而未能直接观察到。虽然昆明动物研究所曾从当地群众中获得珍藏的雌猴头颅1个,但真正完整的标本,直到1967年才首次获得。是年10月,通过当地军民协助,由江口县金盏坪,中国科学院动物研究所获得成年雌猴1只。翌年11月转交北京动物园饲养。1971年北京动物园又由江口县盘溪获得1只老年雄猴。1975年3月,贵阳师范学院由松桃县获得2件完整的标本。1981年5月,贵州省生物资源综合考察队在泡木坝附近,采获1只雄性(成体)标本。

QUAN Guoqiang,XIE Jiahua. NOTES ON RHINOPITHECUS ROXELLAN AE BRELICHI THOMAS[J]. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 1981, 1(2): 113
Authors:QUAN Guoqiang  XIE Jiahua
Affiliation:1. Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica;2. Gueiyang Normal College
Abstract:So far as is known, Rhinopithecus roxellanae brelichi was first described as a species based on a skin only by Thomas, 1903. Since then, no further specimens or information were obtained and reported. Its existance and abundance have long been doubted in zoology. In this paper, the authors present some new materials of their surveys on this rarest monkey in Guizhou. Five specimens including skins and skulls of both male and female were obtained with their measurements being shown in the Chinese text. As comparing with the two other subspecies, R.r .roxellanae and R.r.bieti, aside from its much greyish pelage, the Guizhou subspecies also shows some characteristics in its skull, such as the posterior edge of the palate being arched anteriorly instead of being pointed at the middle portion, the posterior nasal spine being absent as well as the molars being narrower. Nevertheless, according to its external feature and the structure of its skull, the authors are of the opinion of treating the Guizhou golden monkey as a subspecies of R.roxellanae rather than a valid species. As concerning to its population size, the authors would estimate as about 200 and more individuals in its limited distributional range based on direct observations by the local people. Therefore, it is one of the most endangered species of primates in China. Some data concerning to its habitats and habits as well as the proposal on its conservation measures are also discussed.
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