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On the neurons and synapses of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the monkey,and the effects of eye enucleation
Authors:S. Le Vay
Affiliation:(1) Department of Histology and Neuroanatomy, University of Göttingen, West Germany
Abstract:Summary Two neuron types are distinguished by electron microscopy in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the monkey-a large cell (P cell) interpreted as a geniculostriate relay cell, and a small cell (I cell) interpreted as an inhibitory interneuron. The I cell, distinguished by its small size, infolded nucleus, small mitochondria, cilium and small granular bodies, forms about 10% of the total neuron population. It could not be determined whether this cell has an axon, but its dendrites, which contain aggregates of flattened vesicles, are thought to form a proportion of the ldquoF processesrdquo, profiles which are post-synaptic to the retinal (RLP) axons and presynaptic to the dendrites of the P cells. The small dark (RSD) axon terminals of unknown origin contact the dendrites of both cell types.After eye enucleation the P cells of the affected laminae of the LGN shrink and partially withdraw their dendrites from the neuropil. By 29 months' survival, they have only a narrow cytoplasmic rim around the nucleus. A necrotic process also occurs, affecting fine dendrites by 22 days and large profiles by 45 days, but it is not clear whether whole cells are destroyed by this process. At 45 days the I cells are commonly seen to form somatodendritic synapses. The appearance of these synapses is interpreted as the result of a withdrawal to the soma of the presynaptic dendrites.It is concluded that the I cells are probably inhibitory interneurons subject to excitation and presynaptic inhibition by the RLP and RSD axons, and a diagram is presented to demonstrate the possible significance of these connections for the transmission of information through the LGN.The author wishes to thank Dr. J. Campos-Ortega for much practical advice.
Keywords:Lateral geniculate nucleus  Synapses  Interneuron  Transneuronal degeneration  Monkey
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