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Staining Plant Cells with Silver. I. The Salt-Nylon Technique
Authors:Stephen Stack   Lisa Herickhoff  Jamie Sherman  Lorinda Anderson
Affiliation: a Department of Biology and Cell and Molecular Biology Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Abstract:A technique is described for selectively silver staining nucleoli, active nucleolus organizers, nucleolar material attached to chromosomes, kinetochores, synaptonemal complexes, and chromosome cores in plant cells. The technique, called salt-nylon silver staining, involves spreading cells on glass slides, treating the cells with a solution of saline sodium citrate, and incubating the cells in a silver nitrate solution covered with nylon screen. Selected variables important for achieving reliable silver staining are considered.
Keywords:silver staining  plant cells  synaptonemal complex  nucleolus  nucleolus organizer region  kinetochore  chromosome core
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