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An automated method for modeling proteins on known templates using distance geometry.
Authors:S. Srinivasan   C. J. March     S. Sudarsanam
Affiliation:Department of Protein Chemistry, Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
Abstract:We present an automated method incorporated into a software package, FOLDER, to fold a protein sequence on a given three-dimensional (3D) template. Starting with the sequence alignment of a family of homologous proteins, tertiary structures are modeled using the known 3D structure of one member of the family as a template. Homologous interatomic distances from the template are used as constraints. For nonhomologous regions in the model protein, the lower and the upper bounds for the interatomic distances are imposed by steric constraints and the globular dimensions of the template, respectively. Distance geometry is used to embed an ensemble of structures consistent with these distance bounds. Structures are selected from this ensemble based on minimal distance error criteria, after a penalty function optimization step. These structures are then refined using energy optimization methods. The method is tested by simulating the alpha-chain of horse hemoglobin using the alpha-chain of human hemoglobin as the template and by comparing the generated models with the crystal structure of the alpha-chain of horse hemoglobin. We also test the packing efficiency of this method by reconstructing the atomic positions of the interior side chains beyond C beta atoms of a protein domain from a known 3D structure. In both test cases, models retain the template constraints and any additionally imposed constraints while the packing of the interior residues is optimized with no short contacts or bond deformations. To demonstrate the use of this method in simulating structures of proteins with nonhomologous disulfides, we construct a model of murine interleukin (IL)-4 using the NMR structure of human IL-4 as the template. The resulting geometry of the nonhomologous disulfide in the model structure for murine IL-4 is consistent with standard disulfide geometry.
Keywords:distance geometry  disulfide crosslinks  helical cytokines  hematopoietin receptor gene superfamily  homology modeling  interleukin-4  protein folding  template modeling
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