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Stimulative and inhibitory effects of bacteria on the growth of microalgae
Authors:Kimio Fukami  Toshitaka Nishijima  Yuzaburo Ishida
Affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Aquatic Environmental Science (LAQUES), Kochi University, Nankoku-shi, Kochi, 783, Japan;(2) Department of Marine Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Fukuyama University, Fukuyama, Hiroshima, 729-02, Japan
Abstract:Several examples of stimulative and inhibitoryeffects of bacteria on microalgal growth areintroduced, and the importance of bacteria in algalmass culture is investigated. Diatoms are often usedas live food for planktonic larvae of sea urchin andbivalves. Monodispersed Chaetoceros ceratosporum hasbeen cultivated by using clean, high nutrient content,deep seawater (DSW). However, the growth rate and cellyield of diatoms fluctuated, to relatively largeextent, with the season that DSW was collected. Whensome bacterial strains isolated from DSW were added tothe culture, diatom growth was often stimulated and arelatively constant cell yield was obtained. Anotherdiatom species, C. gracilis, was also stimulated byadding some bacterial strains to cultures. Thepositive effect of bacteria on diatoms was observednot only for planktonic species, but also on attachedspecies. A benthic diatom, Nitzschia sp., wasstimulated by a bacterial film of Alcaligenes on thesurface of the substratum. On the other hand, a strainof Flavobacterium sp. isolated from natural seawaterduring the decline period of an algal bloom had a strongalgicidal effect on the red tide plankton,Gymnodinium mikimotoi. Recent reports demonstratethat many bacterial strains have significantalgicidal effects on many species of red tideplankton. These results indicate that bacterialeffects should be taken into account to obtain stablemass culture of food microalgae.
Keywords:Microalgae  bacterial role  stimulativeeffects  inhibitory effects  interaction  bio-control
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