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引用本文:龚志莲,郭辉军,盛才余,周开元. 西双版纳社区旱稻品种多样性与就地保护初探[J]. 生物多样性, 2004, 12(4): 427-434
作者姓名:龚志莲  郭辉军  盛才余  周开元
作者单位:1. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,昆明,650223;西华大学能源与环境工程学院,成都,610039
2. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,昆明,650223
基金项目:中国云南农业生物多样性与农村可持续发展研究与试验示范 (编号 0 0 12 0 4)
摘    要:应用户级水平农业生物多样性评价方法,对云南省西双版纳州3个少数民族村寨(哈尼族大卡老寨、基诺族巴卡小寨和傣族曼那龙寨)的旱稻(Oryza sativa)品种进行收集,就旱稻品种的管理和利用等问题进行了问卷调查和农户访谈,并基于农艺性状的统计分析,初步探讨了社区旱稻品种多样性的就地保护措施。结果如下:(1)在3个调查村寨共记载收集到31个旱稻品种,多样的旱稻品种满足了人们的不同需求;(2)主成分分析结果表明,旱稻品种农艺性状多样性主要表现在产量性状和剑叶形态两个方面,其中巴卡小寨和大卡老寨的品种多样性均高于曼那龙寨,并且这些早稻品种中存在具优良性状的稻种资源;(3)3个少数民族村寨具有不同的民族文化背景,不同民族间或不同村寨农户间自发的种子交换以及他们传统的轮作、间作耕作方式,维持和提高了旱稻品种多样性;(4)通过保护民族文化和传统习俗,充分利用当地民族的旱稻种植管理知识,促进民间自发的种子交换,由政府、科研机构和农户共同参与,通过示范和培训加强科学指导,是对西双版纳社区旱稻品种资源多样性进行就地保护的有效措施。

关 键 词:Oryza sativa 品种资源多样性 农业生物多样性评价 主成分分析

Upland rice variety diversity and in situ conservation in the communities of Xishuangbanna
GONG Zhi-Lian ,,GUO Hui-Jun ,SHENG Cai-Yu ,ZHOU Kai-Yuan Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming. Upland rice variety diversity and in situ conservation in the communities of Xishuangbanna[J]. Biodiversity Science, 2004, 12(4): 427-434
Authors:GONG Zhi-Lian     GUO Hui-Jun   SHENG Cai-Yu   ZHOU Kai-Yuan Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden  Chinese Academy of Sciences  Kunming
Affiliation:GONG Zhi-Lian 1,2,GUO Hui-Jun 1 *,SHENG Cai-Yu 1,ZHOU Kai-Yuan 1 1 Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming 650223 2 Department of Energy Sources and Environmental Engineering,Xihua University,Chengdu 610039
Abstract:Using household-based agrobiodiversity assessment, we collected 31 upland rice varieties from three ethnic minority villages (Daka, Baka and Mannalong Villages) of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, and investigated the management and utilization of them. Statistical analyses were conducted on the basis of agronomic and morphological characters. Based on the available data, we devised some in situ conservation strategies for upland rice resources. The results are as follows: (1) According to principal component analysis, the diversity of agronomic and morphological characters was mainly from the variation of production as well as the angle and shape of flag-leaf. The scatter plot diagram from the analysis of the first two principal components showed that the diversity of the upland rice varieties was much higher in Baka and Daka Villages than in Mannalong Village, and some varieties with good agronomic characters were found; (2) The cultures of different ethnic minorities, procedures of seed exchange among farmers, intercropping, and rotation of different varieties played important roles in the maintenance and improvement of upland rice variety diversity. Seed exchange among farmers of different villages or different ethnic minorities enriched the diversity of upland rice varieties, and intercropping and rotation of different varieties were beneficial to the evolution and hybridization of upland rice; and (3) protection of minority cultures and customs, promotion of indigenous knowledge of traditional management, encouragement of seed exchange, and training and guidelines from the government and institutes should be put in place for effective in situ conservation of upland rice resources in communities.
Keywords:Oryza sativa   variety resources   agrobiodiversity assessment   principal component analysis
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