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Studies on the phi X174 gene A protein-mediated termination of leading strand DNA synthesis
Authors:D Reinberg  S L Zipursky  P Weisbeek  D Brown  J Hurwitz
Abstract:Recombinant RF (replicate form) I DNAs containing the bacteriophage phi X174 gene A protein-recognition sequence are cleaved by the phi X A protein yielding a phi X RF II X A protein complex (Zipursky, S.L., Reinberg, D., and Hurwitz, J. (1980) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77, 5182-5186). Such complexes support DNA synthesis in both RF I leads to SS(c) and RF I leads to RF I phi X DNA replication reactions in vitro. Two phi X A protein-recognition sequences were inserted into plasmid pBR322. Both sequences were contiguous with the same strand of the vector DNA and separated by 667 and 4275 base pairs. This recombinant plasmid (G27-4) was cleaved by the phi X A protein at either insert and both inserts support the initiation of RF leads to SS(c) DNA synthesis. This was verified by the finding that replication products were circular molecules of 667 and 4275 nucleotides. This finding is in keeping with the multifunctional activities associated with the phi X A protein; these include the site-specific nicking of RF I DNA which initiates DNA synthesis and site-specific termination resulting in the circularization of the displaced DNA strand. The phi X A protein and the Escherichia coli rep and SSb proteins catalyze the unwinding of phi X RF I DNA in vitro (Scott, J.F., Eisenberg, S., Bertsch, L.L., and Kornberg, A. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 193-197). Recombinant plasmid G27-4 RF I DNA was also unwound in vitro by this enzyme system; in this case, both circular and linear single-stranded DNA molecules of 667 and 4275 nucleotides, as well as full length circular single-stranded DNA were formed. Full length linear DNA was not detected. The two single-stranded circular DNA products formed as leading strands in RF leads to SS(c) reaction mixtures containing G27-4 RF I DNA differed in their ability to support lagging strand DNA synthesis. It was shown that the large single-stranded circular product included DNA sequences homologous to a replication factor Y effector sequence required for RF leads to RF and SS(c) leads to RF replication (Zipursky, S.L., and Marians, K.J. (1980) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77, 6521-6525). The 4275-nucleotide, but not the 667-nucleotide, single-stranded circular DNA product was converted to a duplex structure.
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