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Male courtship signals and female signal assessment in Photinus greeni fireflies
Authors:Michaelidis, Constantinos I.   Demary, Kristian C.   Lewis, Sara M.
Affiliation:a Department of Biology, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, USA and b Department of Biology, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA
Abstract:The evolutionary dynamic of courtship signaling systems is drivenby the interaction between male trait distributions and femalepreferences. This interaction is complex because females maychoose mates based on multiple components of male signals, andfemale preference functions may vary depending on mate availability,female reproductive state, and environmental conditions. InPhotinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), flying males emitbioluminescent flash signals to locate sedentary females, whichreply selectively to attractive male flash signals with theirown response flash. In this study, we first examined temporalvariation in the paired-pulse flash patterns produced by Photinusgreeni males in the field and found significant among-male variation(~70% of total variation) in interpulse intervals (IPIs). Therewas no significant relationship between male IPI and spermatophoresize, suggesting that P. greeni male courtship signals do notprovide females with reliable indicators of male material resources.In laboratory playback experiments, we presented P. greeni femaleswith simulated flash signals to assess how IPI and pulse durationindependently affected the likelihood of female flash response.We also examined the effects of female body mass and time duringthe mating season on female preference functions, hypothesizingthat females would be less discriminating when they were heavier(more fecund) and when mate availability declined. We foundthat P. greeni females discriminated among signals within theirspecies' range based primarily on flash pattern IPI. Neitherthe time during the mating season nor female weight alteredfemale preference functions for IPI, although season did influencefemale response to pulse duration. These results reveal thatP. greeni females discriminate among conspecific males basedprimarily on male IPIs, the same signal character previouslyshown to be important for firefly species recognition. Fieldplayback experiments indicated that female responsiveness peakednear the average IPI given by males at different ambient temperatures,suggesting that fireflies exhibit temperature coupling similarto that seen in many acoustically signaling animals.
Keywords:bioluminescence   mate choice   multiple cues   preference functions   sexual selection   temperature coupling.
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