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Geographical variation in egg size of the Great Tit Parus major: a new perspective
Authors:Silvio I. Encabo,Emilio Barba ,Jose A. Gil-Delgado,&   Juan S. Monró  s
Affiliation:Instituto 'Cavanilles' de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, Universidad de Valencia, Apartado Oficial 2085, E-46071 Valencia, Spain
Abstract:A recent study on geographical variation in egg size of Great Tits Parus major concluded that: (1) mean egg size tended to increase with increasing latitude; and (2) mean egg size was positively correlated with mean clutch size. Including new data on both egg and clutch size, we reanalysed the relationships between egg size, clutch size and latitude, and investigated the possible effects of habitat type, female body size and egg shape on these relationships. We found that (1) egg volume showed minimum values around 51°N, increasing both north and southwards; (2) female body size increased linearly with increasing latitude; (3) female body size was positively correlated with egg breadth, but not with egg length or egg volume; (4) the sphericity index of the eggs (breadth to length ratio) was largest at medium latitudes, and eggs were more elongated towards the north and the south; (5) the relationship between clutch size and latitude was curvilinear, with the largest clutch sizes at intermediate latitudes; (6) egg size was not correlated with clutch size when the complete latitudinal range was considered, but egg size was negatively correlated with clutch size between 40 and 51°N; and (7) egg size did not differ among habitat types. We suggest that female body size (which probably limits egg breadth), and the pressure for producing large eggs (which in turn increases the reproductive success) are the main determinants of geographical variation in egg size and shape. Populations of small-bodied Great Tits seem to escape from the limits of their size, producing relatively elongated eggs, so that from a certain latitude southwards, egg volume does not decrease in spite of a decrease in female body size. Moreover, the negative relationship between egg and clutch size at low latitudes suggests that energetic trade-offs may also contribute to determine egg size in the south.
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