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Neurons and their synaptic organization in the visual cortex of the rat
Authors:Dr. J. G. Parnavelas  K. Sullivan  A. R. Lieberman  K. E. Webster
Affiliation:(1) Department of Anatomy, University College London, London, England;(2) Department of Anatomy, University College London, Gower Street, WCIE 6BT London, England;(3) Present address: Department of Anatomy, King's College, London, England
Abstract:Summary Cells in the visual cortex (area 17) of adult rats were impregnated by the rapid Golgi method and characterized by light microscopy. Selected cells were then sectioned for electron microscopy and their cytological characteristics and the pattern of synapses on their cell bodies and dendrites were studied Twelve classical pyramidal cells from layers II–VI, two pyramid-like cells from layer VI, two inverted pyramidal cells from layers V and VI, ten spine-free non-pyramidal cells from layers II–VI and two spinous non-pyramidal cells from layer IV were examined.The cytoplasmic features of the identified cells, where these could be discerned, corresponded to those previously reported for the different cell types in conventionally prepared tissue.Pyramidal Cells received exclusively type 2 synaptic contacts on their cell bodies, type 1 contacts on their dendritic spines and a mixture of synaptic types (type II predominating) on their shafts, where synaptic density was relatively low. This pattern of synaptic contacts was consistent for all portions of the dendritic tree; inverted pyramidal cells and pyramid-like cells showed the same synaptic organization as classical pyramids. The axon collaterals of pyramidal cells established type I contacts with dendritic spines (or, rarely, shafts) of unknown origin.Non-Pyramidal Cells received both type 1 and type 2 contacts (the former predominating) on their cell bodies and dendrites. The spinous variety also received type I contacts on their dendritic spines. Axon terminal of spine-free non-pyramidal cells established type II synaptic contacts with dendritic shafts of unknown origin. The similarity in synaptic organization between the spine-free and spinous non-pyramidal cells examined in this study suggest that the latter correspond to the sparsely spinous stellate cells rather than to the spinous stellate cells of cat and monkey visual cortex.We thank the Medical Research Council for financial support
Keywords:Visual cortex (Rat)  Neurons  Synaptic Organization  Electron microscopy of Golgi preparations
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